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Let us mind our own business, and allow others to mind theirs, thus working for self by working for the good of all. The Week-Day, Keep it Holy Did it ever strike you that it is a most absurd and semi-barbaric thing to set one day apart as "holy?" If you are a writer and a beautiful thought comes to you, you never hesitate because it is Sunday, but you write it down.

The animals fought, and bathed in the luxury of its rays, for many millennia were required to produce any noticeable change in its life-giving radiations. "At last one animal gained the ascendancy. Our race. But though one species now ruled, there was no peace. Age followed age while semi-barbaric peoples fought among themselves. But even as they fought, they learned.

In northern Gaul we meet no such vigorous semi-barbaric carving as the Gorgon and the Lion. Smaller objects tell much the same tale. In particular the bronze 'fibulae' of Roman Britain are peculiarly British. Their commonest varieties are derived from Celtic prototypes and hardly occur abroad. Here certainly Roman Britain is more Celtic than Gallia Belgica or the Rhine Valley.

Then the gay brass bells rang forth their merry peals, the people shouted glad hurrahs, and the innocent man, preceded by children strewing flowers on his path, led his bride to his home. This was the king's semi-barbaric method of administering justice. Its perfect fairness is obvious.