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Dionisius beynge in Campe at Regio, fained to minde to make an agreement with them, and duryng the practise therof he caused him selfe to be provided of their victuales, and then when he had by this mean got from them their graine, he kepte them straight and famished them.

And this division is it, whereof it is said, "A kingdome divided in it selfe cannot stand:" For unlesse this division precede, division into opposite Armies can never happen. And Can By No Grant Passe Away Without Direct Renouncing Of The Soveraign Power

Fourthly, from the Alteration or succession it selfe. Hope For Appetite with an opinion of attaining, is called HOPE. Despaire The same, without such opinion, DESPAIRE. Feare Aversion, with opinion of Hurt from the object, FEARE. Courage The same, with hope of avoyding that Hurt by resistance, COURAGE. Anger Sudden Courage, ANGER. Confidence Constant Hope, CONFIDENCE of our selves.

This distracts me: Have I so long, with so much Art and study, Labour'd this honour, and obtaind what my Ambition look'd at, her consent; and when The tree it selfe bowed downe its golden fruit And tempted me to gather, must I make My selfe uncapable and be guilty of So black, so base a forfeit?

Moreouer seeing yet men may exercise themselues in many other maners and sortes of exercises, hee, as mee thinketh openly sheweth, yet he hath not modesty, nor temperance, nor his health it selfe in estimation, yet is, he estemeth & regardeth not. &c. which choseth daunsing for his exercise.

He tooke likewise great pleasure in beholding our apparell, and in tasting our meats, and so courteously taking his leaue departed. We entred afterwards into the woods, which we found so great and thicke, that any army were it neuer so great might haue hid it selfe therein, the trees whereof are okes, cipresse trees, and other sortes vnknowen in Europe.

Hell on your bawling! not a sillable to affright her, or I shall tune your instrument there. Buz. Hele breake the head of my instrument! Why, sir, weomen are not affraid to heare of doings. Hen. Still jarring? Buz. When the whole towne is altogether by th'eares you might give me leave to jar a little my selfe: I have done, sir. Hen. Putt on thy merryest face, Buzzano. Buz.

"As I have already been honour'd with your Grace's protection and favour, I flatter my selfe with the continuance of it, and that, if your Grace thinks me deserving, your Grace will recommend me to the Court of Directors. I am, with the greatest respect, your Grace's most devoted humble servant, "CAMP NEAR CALCUTTA, "23d Febry. 1757."

After I had reposed my selfe 3 dayes, I had accesse to the kings presence, delinered my message and her Maiesties letters, and was receiued with all humanitie, and had fauourable audience from time to time for three yeeres: during which space I abode there in his Court, as her Maiesties Agent and Ligier: and whensoeuer I had occasion of businesse, I was admitted either to his Maiestie himselfe, or to his vice Roy, whose name was Alcayde Breme Saphiana, a very wise and discreet person, and the chiefest about his Maiestie.

It hapneth sometime, that thou gettyng from the enemie, because thou judgest thy selfe inferiour, and therfore mindynge not to faight with him, and he comyng at thy backe, thou arivest at the banke of a river, passyng over the which, asketh time, so that the enemie is redie to overtake thee and to fayght with thee.