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As the singer came from behind the screen, wiping beads of perspiration from his self-satisfied face, Lady Holme got up and congratulated him. Then she crossed over to her husband. "Why don't you go into the concert-room, Fritz? You're missing everything, and you're only in the way here." She did not speak unkindly. He said nothing, only cleared his throat. "Go in," she said.

"Sirs," said I, glancing from one to other, "I regret that I should appear to you as a 'fish, a 'puppy' and a 'self-satisfied do-nothing, but I utterly refuse to be considered either an 'incubus' or a 'damned lad'!" "Oh, the dooce!" ejaculated uncle George. "To the which end," I proceeded, "I propose to remove myself for a while let us say for six months or thereabouts on a condition."

Prove your brotherhood to them in a thousand ways in every way in this way, because at this moment it happens to be the nearest and the most immediate, and because the necessity for it is nearer, more immediate, to judge by the signs of the times, and most of all by their self-satisfied unconsciousness of danger, their loud and shallow self-glorification, than ever it was before.

The following superlative summary is put into the mouth of a minor character, but I think it is fairly representative of Remington's later attitude. "But of all the damned things that ever were damned," says the plain-spoken Britten, "your damned shirking, temperate, sham-efficient, self-satisfied, respectable, make-believe, Fabian-spirited Young Liberal is the utterly damnedest."

"Would you be pleased to know that I had fought on your account?" said the Duke; and there was a faint mocking light in his eyes, far too faint for the self-satisfied Germaine to perceive. "Yes. But it isn't true. You've been fighting about some woman," said Germaine petulantly. "If I had been fighting about a woman, it could only be you," said the Duke. "Yes, that is so. Of course.

John Bold got on his horse and rode off to Plumstead Episcopi; not briskly and with eager spur, as men do ride when self-satisfied with their own intentions; but slowly, modestly, thoughtfully, and somewhat in dread of the coming interview.

Dot turned her head without moving, and saw a little way behind her a brown bird on long legs, standing with its feet close together, with the self-satisfied air of a dancing master about to begin a lesson. Dot did not care for any other creature in the Bush just then but her Kangaroo, and the perky air of the bird annoyed her in her sorrow.

As I stood upon the steps of the hotel, viewing her "out of the visible horizon," I was joined by Curzon, who evidently, from his self-satisfied air, and jaunty gait, little knew how he stood in the fair Fanny's estimation.

No, my friends, the people who have real reason to be afraid are just those who are not afraid the self- conceited, self-satisfied souls; for the devil attacks them too, as he does every one, by their weakest point, and has his lie ready for them, and whispers, 'You are all right; you are safe; you cannot fall; your salvation is sure. Or else, 'You hold the right doctrine; you are orthodox, and perfectly right, and whoever differs from you must be wrong; and so tempts them to vain confidence and unclean living, or else into pride, hardness of heart, self-willed and self-conceited quarrelling and slandering and lying for the sake of their own party in the Church.

"To be sure," thought the astute little woman, "the boys' settlement is out of her power to revoke; but it would be rather good if she came to live with us, instead of filling the pockets of this prim, presumptuous, self-satisfied old maid. I am sure she is awfully selfish, and I do hate selfishness." So reflecting, she descended serene and smiling.