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Thus it is that Mr. Emerson speaks of "Manners" in his Essay under the above title. "The basis of good manners is self-reliance. Manners require time, as nothing is more vulgar than haste. "Men take each other's measure, when they meet for the first time, and every time they meet. "It is not what talents or genius a man has, but how he is to his talents, that constitutes friendship and character.

Upon the basis of their interests, their demands, their problems, Birth Control education attempts to develop their intelligence and show them how they may help themselves; how to guide and control this deep-rooted instinct. The objection has been raised that Birth Control only reaches the already enlightened, the men and women who have already attained a degree of self-respect and self-reliance.

As long as she remains the plaything of strong, uncontrolled natural forces, as long as she must docilely and humbly submit to the decisions of others, how can woman ever lay the foundations of self-respect, self-reliance and independence? How can she make her own choice, exercise her own discrimination, her own foresight?

His scout training had taught him self-reliance and resource, and here was the chance to apply them, to go home, to find his way without anyone's help. The lonely road called to him more than the dark houses did. But how about the car? Mr. Bartlett's stolen car? Would it be the way of a scout to go home and tell about that? Bartlett; they tried to steal it but I foiled them!

He continued for a few years in patience and privation and confident self-reliance to drudge on, till the occupation for the intellect fed by restraint, and the learning accumulated by study, came and found the whole man developed and prepared.

They will not always show wisdom in their selections, and will not always be right when they feel sure. A good degree of reliability in these respects is something that has to be acquired by long training. But the spirit of self-reliance is a child's birthright, and if it is lacking in his study it is because his nature has been undermined.

Also even equity between the borrower and the lender would work a hardness in the conditions of the poor man. Full protection requires a law of general application. Independence, self-reliance, self-support, was the condition aimed at and encouraged in the Hebrew state. Borrowing was only in time of sore need. The man who went a-borrowing was second only to the man who went a-begging.

Fortunately he abounded in virile force and good sense, and so gradually passed from self-complacency and conceit to the self-reliance and courage of a strong man, who, while aware of his ability and vantage-ground, also recognizes the fact that nothing can take the place of skillfully directed industry in well-defined directions.

The effect was a peace above all earthly dignities. So with me, but in larger beatitude. Having my and my integrity to heaven, I found myself overflowing with the sunny self-reliance of the man that struck Buckley.

Rose took it, saw the words "Self-Reliance," and turning the leaves, read here and there a passage which was marked: "'My life is for itself, and not for a spectacle. "'Insist on yourself: never imitate. That which each can do best, none but his Maker can teach him. "'Do that which is assigned to you, and you cannot hope or dare too much."