United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

So the owner of the O'Valley Leather Works found his solace in tucking the pound-and-a-half spaniel under his arm and trying to convince himself that he was all wrong and a self-made man must keep a watch on himself lest he become a boor! The day the O'Valleys left for New York in company with three other couples Mr. and Mrs.

But you have not done it yet, and the reason is that there are certain self-made difficulties which hold you back. God has not put them in the way you have built them up yourselves. I hear young men and women say, in the very tone of this perplexed king. But what shall we do for the hundred talents? If we take up religion, how shall we bear the loss which it involves?

Like most clever self-made men, he had much simplicity in his nature; and, somehow or other, had construed the ordinarily polite terms of his letter of engagement into a belief that the Directors had chosen him on account of his special and brilliant talents, and that they set great store by him. This notion grew and crystallized; thus adding to his natural North-country conceit.

As has already been pointed out, the self-made man usually creates far more mischief in the course of his upward political struggle, than is compensated for afterwards when he has secured his position and can turn his talents to the account of his country, instead of for the purpose of securing his own personal advancement.

Probably the latter. I feel no conviction either way." "But he speaks very roughly; and his slang is disgusting. His hands are hard and quite black. Did you not notice them?" "I noticed it all; and I think that if he were a man of low condition he would be careful not to use slang. Self-made persons are usually precise in their language; they rarely violate the written laws of society.

In the Balkans the Serbs were the first to revolt, and won their own freedom, with less help than Greeks, Roumanians or Bulgarians, and under far less favourable circumstances. Thus Serbia is essentially a self-made man among States, built from the foundations upwards, and possessing no aristocracy and hardly even a middle class.

Cranch, a "joined methodist," and a "self-made man," are not complimentary. "Cranch, I fear," says Professor Smith, "by his absurd conduct, will diminish the liberality of the captain towards us: he is like a pointed arrow to the company."

With the high appreciation he had of "Tante" whom he termed, next to the mother, the most important factor of education in the family our "Oheim" was probably specially agreeable to him. He was thoroughly a self-made man.

It was an idea early adopted by him that a "self-made man" was the highest type of the race, and to him a self-made man was one who worked like the original Creator made everything out of nothing and called it all very good.

Rhinds must be a self-made man, made very badly. I can't quite think that he has anything of the human face divine." Jack laughed, but bitterly. "The 'Zelda' is the boat we have to beat today," he added. "I wonder if you'll do it?" muttered Lieutenant Danvers, gazing suddenly over at the "Zelda," now well ahead and cutting a white path of foam. "Great guns, look at her go!"