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To become self-conscious, to progress in self-consciousness is the end, and the way or means to it is by reflection the special method of Philosophy. This is the step in advance made by the modern spirit beyond all discoveries of the ancients; it is the truth by the apprehension of which the modern spirit and its world is made what it is.

Each of them begins to be self-conscious and to press its special claims upon the others not when it is itself oppressed, but when the conditions of the time, irrespective of its co-operation, create a sociable foundation from which it can on its part practise oppression.

Suddenly I felt that I must go alone. "Please leave me to my fate," I said. "I should be too self-conscious if you were with me. Probably I should laugh in her face, or do something dreadful." "Very well," Lady Kilmarny agreed. "Perhaps you're right. Say that I sent you, and that, though you've never been with me, friends of mine know all about you.

If the circumstances of the time are not distinctly represented, the conception of the conscious experience which constitutes that piece of the ego is necessarily vague, and seems generally to resolve itself into a representation of ourselves as dimly self-conscious. What this consciousness of self consists of is a point that will be taken up presently.

"Like a true artist!" he declared with an enthusiasm that had a foundation of sincerity. "You know, Miss Stevens, you came very near to having that rarest of all gifts a naturally placed voice. If you hadn't had singing teachers as a girl to make you self-conscious and to teach you wrong, you'd have been a wonder." "I may get it back," said Mildred. "That never happens," replied he.

Her references to nature were a little self-conscious, as seems inevitable with such devotees, but we cannot belittle the accuracy of her knowledge or the cleverness of her detective skill in apprehending the native flora.

It may be that, in these latter days, when our age is the victim of self-conscious introspection, the close of a century which has shown such energy may affect us in some unconscious way.

'H'm! ejaculated Birkin. 'Poor Gudrun, wouldn't she suffer afterwards for having given herself away! He was hugely delighted. 'Would she suffer? asked Gerald, also amused now. Both men smiled in malice and amusement. 'Badly, I should think; seeing how self-conscious she is. 'She is self-conscious, is she? Then what made her do it?

After the fullest estimate of our misdeeds we can still say that our very despots have been less self-assertive than many popular patriots. As we consider these things we grow more and more impatient of any modern tendencies towards the enthronement of a more self-conscious and theatrical ideal.

'Then I am not much changed, you think? he ventured, in an anxious tone. 'No, I lied. 'You are perhaps a little stouter. That's all. How hard it was to talk! How lamentably self-conscious we were! How unequal to the situation! We did not know what to say. 'You are far more beautiful than ever you were, he said, looking at me for an instant. 'You are a woman; you were a girl then.