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She really would be lovely if it weren't for THAT!" "For what?" returned her escort. "Why, are you blind? It's so remarkable that you SURELY must see it." Pauline was beginning to lose her self-composure. She flushed and looked wildly about, wondering what was meant. Then she heard Mme. Coutades say: "Why, her ears. If I had such ears as those I would cut them off!"

But her looks belied her words, or at any rate the old serving-man thought so, and he made bold to remonstrate again. "Let me put her out, madam," he begged. "I'll call the gardeners." "Oh, no, no!" protested Miss Parrott, coming rapidly to her self-composure; "that would never do in all the world. Leave the room, Hooper."

Recovering his self-composure, however, he lifted his hat to la belle Barbérie, and the periagua dashed on, in triumph. Still the leading cutter was near the shore, where it soon arrived, the crew lying on their oars at the end of the wharf, in evident expectation of the arrival of the ferry-boat.

"I have found out," she said, speaking with great self-composure, "the reason why Edwin persists in going away." "Ah! what is the reason, Kate? I would give much to know." "He is in love," replied Kate, promptly. "In love! How do you know that?" "I made the discovery to-night." "Love should keep him at home, not drive him away," said Mr. Darlington. "But he loves hopelessly," returned the maiden.

"Why do you withdraw from me, and cast down your eyes?" "I thought you were in Courland," she stammered, confused. "And whilst you thought me afar, you forgot your sacred oath and holy duty," he replied, in a harsh, severe tone. "Oh my daughter, the Invisibles weep and lament bitterly over you." "I am curious to see these tears," said Wilhelmine, who had now recovered her self-composure.

Oh, no. You've only made me the greatest joke in Chicago," he shouted. "You've only made me such a laughing stock that I have to leave it. That's all that's all!" "Leave Chicago!" exclaimed Zoie incredulously. Then regaining her self-composure, she edged her way close to him and looked up into his eyes in baby-like wonderment. "Why, Allie, where are we going?"

If the world, spite of that inordinate desire for reform and innovation which consumes it, has not yet seriously endeavored to withdraw woman from the circle to which Providence would have her devote the activity of her mind and life; if it has consented till now to have her shun the theatre and the whirlpool of political commotions, it will be extremely difficult for her to escape its counter-shock, and preserve her self-composure and serenity of soul in the midst of those turbulent events which absorb her husband's life, that of her children, of her father and brothers.

"It is strange!" said he, still struggling for self-composure; "strange that I never thought of asking her name before! Alice! her name is Alice?" "A sweet name, is it not? It accords so well with her simple character how you would love her!" As she said this, Evelyn turned to Maltravers with enthusiasm, and again she was startled by his aspect; for again it was haggard, distorted, and convulsed.

He saw that the mask was torn from his face, the prize snatched from his grasp, his falsehood known, his plot counterworked, his villany baffled! He struggled in vain for self-composure; all his resources of courage and craft seemed drained and exhausted. Livid, speechless, almost trembling, he cowered beneath the eyes of Maltravers.

We used to call him Dashing Jerry. That ere youngster we went arter, by Mr. Bofort's wish, was a pall of his. Scuze the liberty I take. While Lord Lilburne held this effusion to the candle, and spelled his way through it, Captain Smith, recovering his self-composure, thus proceeded: "Imposture, my lord! imposture! I really don't understand.