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'All this power will I give thee, said the Devil, 'and the glory of them; for that is delivered unto me, and to whomsoever I will I give it. The world belongs to the rascals. It is like 'the turf, where, everyone admits, an honest man can hardly hold his own. Jos. Larkin looked down on the seedy and distracted vicar from an immense moral elevation. He heard him talk of religion with disgust.

He it was who trained my youthful hands to guard my youthful head; and I have a foolish stupid pride and pleasure in the memory of that fact The Worcester and Birmingham Canal divides the parishes of Smethwick and West Bromwich, and the Slasher's house was the last on the right-hand side a shabby, seedy place enough, smoke-encrusted on the outside and mean within, but a temple of splendour all the same to the young imagination.

"No," said Miss Bellairs. "Are you seedy, Dolly?" inquired the General. "No," said Miss Bellairs. Mr. Laing fixed his eye-glass and surveyed the young lady. "Are you taking any?" said he, indicating the jug. "I don't see any fun in vulgarity," observed Miss Bellairs. The General smiled. Sir Roger's lips assumed the shape for a whistle. "That's a nasty one for me," said Laing.

One long, lanky, middle- aged man, seedy as to his outward vestments, and melancholy in countenance, sat at one of the tables. But he was doing very little good for the establishment: he had no refreshment of any kind before him, and was intent only on a dingy pocket-book in which he was making entries with a pencil.

"Not he! Too seedy!" was the reply. Isaacson remembered the letter he had had in London from his patient at Luxor. "What's the matter?" he asked. "Sunstroke, they say. He went out at midday without a hat just the sort of thing Armine would do went out diggin' for antiquities, and got a touch of the sun. I don't think it's serious. But there's no doubt he's damned seedy."

In the streets outside there was a frost under a November sky. "And there's no fire in the greenroom!" said Simonne. "It's disgusting; he IS just becoming a skinflint! I want to be off; I don't want to get seedy." "Silence, I say!" Bordenave once more thundered. Then for a minute or so a confused murmur alone was audible as the actors went on repeating their parts.

A few, more respectably clothed and less vicious of aspect, sit writing at a table inside the bar, while a dozen or more punch-faced policemen, affecting an air of superiority, drag themselves lazily through the crowd of seedy humanity, looking querulously over the railing encircling the dock, or exchanging recognitions with friends. "I think I have seen you before, Mrs.

He was the man; he had been the man from the beginning. My heart was like lead for the rest of the day, and, very curiously, for a leaden thing it was subject to pain. Just before dinner, Britton, after inspecting me out of the corner of his eye for some time, advised me to try a little brandy. "You look seedy, sir," he said with concern in his voice. "A cold setting in perhaps, sir."

These uniforms are getting seedy, though it is lucky that we had on our best when we were caught, owing to our having had the others torn to pieces the night of the wreck. But as for other things, we have got nothing but what we have on.

"No; none of the slates are loose at present," I said. "That's all right, but I am seedy altogether; out of sorts all round that's all." One unbroken flood of golden sunlight lay like a fallen silken veil over the points and peaks of the downs, over the swelling sides and the soft rolling dip of the valley, and the still September blue stretched cloudless overhead.