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Its defect is a certain conventional atmosphere which demands an artificial attitude on the part of the reader. Its admirable distinction is its faithful rendering of a personality not unlike the "Tante" of Anne Douglas Sedgwick, if a novel portrait and a short story portrait may fittingly be compared. If the portraiture is unpleasant, it is at any rate rendered with incisive kindliness. Mr.

Sedgwick found waiting for him advices from the mine, all of which were favorable and the output for another month, less the expenses of mining and milling, which amounted in the aggregate to something over $90,000, had been forwarded to the Bank of France. The Wedge of Gold Mining Company was reorganized.

I want to meet this gang of robbers, just to see if they are any different from any other robbers I've come across. How about it, boys?" Wild turned and looked at Cheyenne Charlie and Jim Dart as he said the last. "Yer kin bet your life we'll go through ther blamed old pass!" the scout answered, while Dart nodded, as though it was a matter of course. "I knowed it!" exclaimed Sedgwick.

Among the most remarkable examples of concretionary structure are those described by Professor Sedgwick as abounding in the magnesian limestone of the north of England.

Sedgwick went again to Jordan's hotel; found him and told him briefly all that had happened; all about Browning, the love affairs of both, and how Jack had been taken in on the mine; ran over the prospectus of the "Wedge of Gold," and explained that he meant to visit the property; that if it could be made available with the means he had, he intended to improve it and bring Jack's shares up to cost; that no one but his Grace and her mother was to know when he went away, that he was not going to America, and that he wanted some one with him who understood gold quartz.

My reason tells me that all will be well now, but I have a feeling as if the worst were not yet over." I tried to joke her out of it. "It hasn't begun. You're not married to Jack Sedgwick yet." "No; but, dear, I can't get away from the thought that you are going into danger again," she went on seriously. "Tis dangerous to take a cold, to sleep, to drink," I quoted lightly.

Sedgwick, aware that in the ticklish state of public opinion, the government party could not afford to provide the malcontents with any martyrs, had postponed the attempt to arrest Perez until affairs were fully ripe for it.

The thing that had so worried her was that Colonel Sumner was taking Major Sedgwick with him for conference and a single squadron of fifty men under Stuart's command. The little bride had found out that he was the sole leader of the fifty fighting men and her quick wit had sensed the danger of the possible extermination of such a force in a battle with desperadoes.

Maclay, who went over to the House from the Senate to witness the event, gloated over the defeat in his diary: "Sedgwick, from Boston, pronounced a funeral oration over it. He was called to order; some confusion ensued; he took his hat and went out. When he returned, his visage bore the visible marks of weeping. Fitzsimmons reddened like scarlet; his eyes were brimful.

Well, though I haven't 'hired' you, I would be quite ready to pay your honorarium if you can ferret out our West Sedgwick mystery. And so, as you are the detective in charge of the case, I ask you, what do you think about it all?" But I was pretty thoroughly on my guard now. "I think," I began, "that much hinges on the ownership of that gold bag." "And you do not think it is Miss Lloyd's?"