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Egremont perceived and resented by permitting no advances. The climate suited him so well that, to his wife's great relief, he seemed to have dropped his inclination for sedatives; but his eyes would not bear much, and she felt bound to be always on the alert, able to amuse him and hinder his feeling it dull.

The bromides are universally recognized as powerful sexual sedatives, but their influence in this respect only makes itself felt when they have dulled all the finest energies of the organism. Physical exercise is universally recommended to sexually hyperæsthetic patients. Yet most people, men and women, find that physical exercise is a positive stimulus to sexual activity.

Allopathy, in giving large, physiological doses, takes into consideration only the first, apparent effect of the drug, and thereby accomplishes in the long run results directly opposite to those which it desires to bring about. It produces the very conditions it tries to cure. As an example, note the permanent effects of laxatives, stimulants and sedatives upon the system.

Why this is I cannot say, but it is not more mysterious than the fact that agents which, as sedatives or excitants, affect the great nerve-centres, do this very differently in different climates.

I procured the sedatives which might relieve the suffering I could not hope to cure.

If it is impossible to go to the country, then carry out this treatment as closely as possible at your home. It is absolutely necessary to improve the nutrition of the body, that is, to stimulate the digestion and absorbent functions of the stomach and intestines, therefore dispense with all so-called cough medicines. The drugs used to stop a cough are invariably sedatives.

So I dressed myself up in a jaunty way and walked out alone; got a fall, caught a cold, was laid up with a lumbago, and had time to think over this whole matter. Explicit Allegoria Senectutis. We have settled when old age begins. Like all Nature's processes, it is gentle and gradual in its approaches, strewed with illusions, and all its little griefs soothed by natural sedatives.

When one recalls that when attacked by hysteric epilepsy, Flaubert postponed the crisis of the terrible malady by means of sedatives, this strained atmosphere of labor I was going to say of stupor which pervades his work is explained. He is an athlete, a runner, but one who drags at his feet a terrible weight.

"Then it wouldn't be so easy for me." The old doctor sighed heavily. "I know," he murmured. "I thought of that, too. And she is so very pretty." "That was another thing I noticed," said Ford. The doctor gave no heed. "She must stop worrying," he exclaimed, "or she will have a mental collapse. I have tried sedatives, but they don't touch her. I want to give her courage. She is frightened.

With the usual huge queue of students following, he had gone in to see her, as I had been unable to get the results desired with a reasonable quantity of sedatives and soporifics. It was a very rare occasion, for cases which did not involve active surgery he left strictly alone.