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He had charge of the banknotes before the Secretary signs 'em, to make good. Now, here comes in the curious part of it: my friend's handwritin' and the Secretary's handwritin' was that much alike neither man could tell one from t'other. This gives my friend the idee of how to break even with Uncle Sam.

At the first suggestion of a technical problem with which to wrestle, Jim thrust the Secretary's elusive one aside. He started for the dam site eagerly, and refused to think again that day of the shadow that haunted his work. In excavating for the abutments a thick stratum of shale had been exposed that air-slaked as fast as it was uncovered.

"It is to explain its loss, and to warn the Ambassador that I am here." "His Excellency is exceedingly busy will you not relate the circumstances to me?" "My instructions from Madame Durrand are most specific that I am to deal only with his Excellency," Mrs. Clephane explained with such a dazzling smile that the secretary's eyes fairly popped.

She had knocked in vain where she might hope for consideration; only the young man of middle height who, carrying a portfolio under his arm, now approached her and raised his black secretary's cap, had been omitted, though he, too, was one of the old Ratisbon friends, and his position with the Bishop of Arras gave him a certain influence.

The secretary's arm was still about her waist. "Beard, you'd better take out a marriage license at once," suggested Britz. "We're going to hold the inquest in this case to-morrow. You'll be called as the first witness and we'll finish with you as quickly as we can. There's a boat for Europe at two o'clock it might be well for you and your bride to make it.

Then he released the secretary's hands and plunged out through the door, while the secretary, smiling wisely, walked to the desk and picking up the cartridge belt, dropped it into the drawer with the pistols. The Wolf Saloon was in a big frame building that stood at a little distance from the back of the street, with a wide, open space on each side of it.

I hope that the Secretary's suggestions respecting the withdrawal from circulation of the $1 and $2 notes will receive your approval. It is likely that a considerable portion of the silver now encumbering the vaults of the Treasury might thus find its way into the currency.

Beard recognized that he was facing a grave moment in his life, that it was within the power of the man to whom he had spoken, irretrievably to mar his future, to stain him with an accusation which, even though disproved before a jury, he could never hope to live down entirely. The harrowing fear and uncertainty written in the secretary's face, produced no quiver of compassion in the detective.

He looked her full in the eye, his own blue orbs alight with resolution. She returned his gaze, fierce as a tigress. But at last she spread out her deprecating hands. "Señor," she said, "I am but a woman. I am in the Señor Secretary's hands. I am even in his hand. What can he wish?" "In no unfair way, Señora, I beg you to understand, in no improper way are you in our hands.

In due time, however, the accuracy of his foresight was vindicated; for when the secretary's friends achieved a sufficient impetus they tumbled over, in manner following: Mr. Pomeroy, senator from Kansas, was vindictive because the President had refused to take his side in certain quarrels between himself and his colleague.