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"How do they know anything about my personal affairs?" "I can't imagine, unless through some one of the secret-service men." "You, of course, have made no reference to it?" "Certainly not." Covington resented the suggestion. "Now, about this last statement what does that mean?" "It is a complete mystery to me. Of course, there's nothing in it?"

These are not the impressions which the Boer agents, with their command of secret-service money and their influence on the European press, have given to the world. A constant stream of misrepresentations and lies have poisoned the mind of Europe and have made a deep and enduring breach between ourselves and our German kinsmen. The British troops have been accused of shooting women.

All that afternoon, busy with their final plans for the immediate extension of their system, they had been going over certain data with Herzog, receiving reports from branch managers and conferring with the Congressional committee that together with Dillon Slade, their secret-service tool, now also President Supple's private secretary they had peremptorily summoned from Washington to receive instructions.

"I am, Spider, and I want you to know I'm grateful to you, all three. Also I want to thank you all for keeping this affair out of the papers, though how you managed it beats me." "Guv," cried the Old Un, tremulous and eager, "oh, Guv, we're fair sleuth-hounds, we are specially me. There ain't a 'tective nor secret-service cove nor bloomin' bobby fit to black our shoes specially mine!

Really I could not deny that all I had seen of her was most suspicious. For aught I knew, the secret-service man might be absolutely right. I had treated him outrageously. I owed him an apology, doubtless. But I still felt furious with him, and when she looked anxiously at those officers, I felt furious with them too. Van Blarcom, his brief questioning ended, was turning from the table.

He smiled a trifle grimly. "In fact, I once came near getting him; it would have made my fortune, too. But he slipped through my fingers at the last minute, and if I ever You see, I'm in the secret-service myself, Mr. Bayne." I turned to stare at him. "The United States service?" I asked. "Yes." I nodded. All that had puzzled me was fairly clear in this new light.

He kept on pedaling but the car rapidly gained on him. It was very close when he saw a gate ahead. With five British officers on his heels, Stan ditched the bike and sprinted for the gate. Under shaded lights he saw two Yank soldiers. He reached them ten yards ahead of the Britishers, having outrun the secret-service men. The guards barred the way.

In addition to the commission he intrusted to young Riley, Gorham also set in motion the wheels of his own secret-service department, feeling confident that he would soon learn all the facts.

I took an observation course at Scotland Yard, but I suppose I am too slow-witted for what they call secret-service work over here." "America wouldn't provide you with many opportunities, would it?" she observed. "You are quite right," he replied. "I am much more at home upon the Continent. The Secret Service in America, as we understand it, does not exist.

Are the secret-service men closing in on McDonald? Aggie pike! On consulting map find unnamed lake only a few miles away. Shall investigate to-morrow. Steamer has just gone. Detective now has canoe, blue in color. Also food. He sent off his letter. Fed worms. Lizzie thinks they know me. How kindness is its own reward! Mr.