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Secondly, there was the account of four years more, while they kept the effects in their hands, before the government claimed the administration, as being the effects of a person not to be found, which they called civil death; and the balance of this, the value of the plantation increasing, amounted to nineteen thousand four hundred and forty-six crusadoes, being about three thousand two hundred and forty moidores.

The fact is, and intending travellers should note it, that there are only three modes of travelling in these parts, firstly, by hiring a private carriage and telegraphing for relays; secondly, by accomplishing short stages on foot, by far the most agreeable method for hardy pedestrians, or thirdly, to give up the most interesting spots altogether.

For instance, I wanted to see if all lights were out at the Guest House." "And were they?" I asked, eagerly. "They were. Secondly," he continued, "I wanted to convince myself that there were no nocturnal prowlers from within or without." "What do you mean by within or without?" "Listen, Knox." He bent toward me in the dark, grasping my shoulder firmly. "One window in Cray's Folly was lighted up."

The work in the Indian Bureau in the execution of the policy of recent legislation has been largely directed to two chief purposes: First, the allotment of lands in severalty to the Indians and the cession to the United States of the surplus lands, and, secondly, to the work of educating the Indian for his own protection in his closer contact with the white man and for the intelligent exercise of his new citizenship.

The Cotton Combine, then, appealed to him overpoweringly to his passion for wealth, to his passion for gambling. But once entered upon the game it drove him to fear and frenzy: first, it was a long game and Harry Cresswell was not trained to waiting, and, secondly, it was a game whose intricacies he did not know. In vain did he try to study the matter through.

'Have thou authority over ten cities. These are the Christian aspects of death. II. Now note, secondly, the great fact on which this view of death builds itself. I have already remarked that in one of my texts the Apostle seems to be thinking about Jesus Christ and His decease.

The directly inductive truths of Mathematics are few: being, first, certain propositions about existence, tacitly involved in the so-called definitions; and secondly, the axioms, to which latter, though resting only on induction, per simplicem enumerationem, there could never have been even any apparent exceptions.

I only, secondly, exact that the honour of Monsieur de Léry, as the nephew of Madame my wife, be completely cleared and sustained with his comrades and officers." The Marquis here noticed that the Record was lying upon the table under the eyes of the stranger, but the latter continued the conversation. "That can be done.

Secondly, That morality is a system of Law, enacted by one or other of three different authorities. II. In the Psychology of Ethics, Locke, by implication, holds First, That there is no innate moral sentiment; that our moral ideas are the generalities of moral actions.

This is only to be investigated, first, in examining the nature of those solid bodies the history of which we want to know; and, secondly, in examining the natural operations of the globe, in order to see if there now exist such operations as, from the nature of the solid bodies, appear to have been necessary for their formation.