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But mark it, the blessing of grace is not led by outward order, but by electing love: Where the person then is under the blessing of election, be he the first or the second son, the highest or lowest in the family, or whether he be more or less loved of his friends, 'tis he that with Abel hath the everlasting blessing. Ver. 3.

The second letter, dated eight days later, was in such a style as might have been expected from the Colonel's receiving no answer to the first.

For the second time that day Kay saw Don Mike's face light up with that insouciant boyish smile. Then he skipped blithely across the garden thrumming the guitar and singing: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord! At seven o'clock next morning, while Miguel Farrel was shaving, John Parker came to his door, knocked, and without further ado came into the room.

So passed the second act in the drama of the Progressive party. The third act in the drama of the Progressive party was filled with the campaign for the Presidency. It was a three-cornered fight. Taft stood for Republican conservatism and clung to the old things.

I am not talking of a particular patch of blue as seen during a particular second of time at a definite date. Such a patch is an event where Cambridge blue is situated. Similarly I am not talking of any particular concert-room as filled with the note. I mean the note itself and not the patch of volume filled by the sound for a tenth of a second.

The modes are all subject to the constraint of an unbroken and endless nexus of efficient causes, which leaves room neither for chance, nor choice, nor ends. The causal chain appears in two forms: a mode of extension has its producing ground in a second mode of extension; a mode of thought can be caused only by another mode of thought each individual thing is determined by one of its own kind.

"I don't call that Union talk," the other said angrily. "Union or not Union, I mean to talk it, and I want to know who is going to prevent me?" The two men rose simultaneously from their chairs, and in a second the cracks of two revolvers sounded. As if they had only been waiting for the signal, a score of other men leaped up and sprang at each other.

The unhappy inhabitants are compelled to draw their supplies either from this well, or from one on the sea-coast four miles below Suez. In the first case the water is brought on camels, horses, or asses; in the second it is transported by sea in boats or small ships.

She ruined the Marquis D'Esmai, the Vicomte Cotforét, Monsieur D'Armier, and many others whose names I cannot now recall. The first is with our noble troops in Cochin China, the second is in Algeria, and the third I know not where, and now I have learnt since my arrival in Paris that she has got hold of a young Englishman, who is vastly wealthy.

After Paul's struggle in the seventh chapter of Romans he comes triumphantly to the second verse of the eighth chapter of Romans and exclaims, "For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." It God is the author, then certain things need to be emphasized.