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I don't make 'osses and chaises I 'ire 'em. You might be God Almighty!" said he; and instantly, as if he had observed me for the first time, he broke off, and lowered his voice into the confidential. "Why, now that I see you are a gentleman," said he, "I'll tell you what! If you like to buy, I have the article to fit you. Second-'and shay by Lycett, of London. Latest style; good as new.

There must 'ave been a good deal between 'em, to my way o' thinkin'. Mind you I'm only giving you my sum of it all, because all I know is second-hand so to speak, or rather I should say more than second-'and." "How?" said Hooper peremptorily. "You must have seen it or heard it." "Yes," said Pyecroft.

'Yah, I wouldn't git a second-'and dress at a pawnbroker's! 'Garn! said Liza indignantly. 'I'll swipe yer over the snitch if yer talk ter me. I got the mayterials in the West Hend, didn't I? And I 'ad it mide up by my Court Dressmiker, so you jolly well dry up, old jellybelly. 'Garn! was the reply.

I don't MAKE 'osses and chaises I 'IRE 'em. You might be God Almighty! said he; and instantly, as if he had observed me for the first time, he broke off, and lowered his voice into the confidential. 'Why, now that I see you are a gentleman, said he, 'I'll tell you what! If you like to BUY, I have the article to fit you. Second-'and shay by Lycett, of London. Latest style; good as new.

How they missed us so often, Heaven an' that German gunner only knows. They couldn't get a direct with solid, but I must admit they made goodish shootin' wi' shrapnel, an' they've made that 'ouse look like a second-'and pepper-caster.

If I don't mind owning that I can't get on without your help, you might allow that you'd get on a bit better with mine." "Why, aren't you getting on, father?" "Well, considering that my second-'and business depended on you entirely and that that's where the profits are to be made nowadays That's where I'm 'andicapped.