United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Jacob Bumble now favoured us with a song, that sounded as if he had been barrelled up in a puncheon, and was cantando through the bunghole; then Rubiochico sang, and the Don sang, and we all sang and bumpered away; and Mr Seco got on the table, and gave us the newest quadrille step; and, in fine, we were all becoming dangerously drunk.

"I've got a hunch that hell's a-goin' to pop right sudden, boys," he told them. "An' we're goin' away from it. If there's any trouble we want to be in on it. Deveny's up to somethin'. You-all know about the agreement made between Haydon an' Harlan that Harlan was to run the Rancho Seco without interference. Deveny's headed that way, an' Haydon ain't around.

For Harlan did not intend to sleep tonight; he had resolved, since the Rancho Seco seemed to be deserted except for his and Barbara's presence, to guard the ranchhouse. For he knew that the passions of Deveny for the girl were thoroughly aroused.

Yeager The Nopalito Ranch: Dear Madam: I am instructed by the owners of the Rancho Seco to purchase 100 head of two and three-year-old cows of the Sussex breed owned by you. If you can fill the order please deliver the cattle to the bearer; and a check will be forwarded to you at once. Respectfully, Webster Yeager, Manager the Rancho Seco.

There was no thought of romance in Harlan's mind when he mounted Purgatory to take up Dolver's trail; and when he came upon Dolver at Sentinel Rock and later, until he had talked with Lane Morgan he had no thought of offering himself to Morgan, to become that trustworthy man who would "work his guns" for the Rancho Seco owner.

Northward of these, there is one other very miserable valley, called Paposo, which contains about two hundred souls; and then there extends the real desert of Atacama a barrier far worse than the most turbulent ocean. After staying a few days at Potrero Seco, I proceeded up the valley to the house of Don Benito Cruz, to whom I had a letter of introduction.

For an instant only did Colver hesitate. Then he turned to a lean rider who bestrode a tall, rangy horse. He spoke sharply to the rider: "Hit the breeze to the Rancho Seco, an' get them T Down boys. Fan it, damn you!" The rider was off with the word, leaping his horse down the trail with dizzying speed.

That smooth red-branched and glistening green-leafed plant of the desert apparently flourished without rain. On all sides the evidences of extreme drought proved the year to be the dreaded anno seco of the Mexicans. For ten hours we rode without a halt before there was any prominent change in the weary up- and down-hill going, in the heat and dust and brush-walled road.

Perhaps he was some kin of yours, do you think?" "A husband," said Santa cordially. "The Seco has done well. Mr. Yeager is one of the best stockmen in the West." The dropping out of a prince-consort rarely disorganises a monarchy. Queen Santa had appointed as mayordomo of the ranch a trusty subject, named Ramsay, who had been one of her father's faithful vassals.

"Laddy, I reckon the waterhole here never goes dry," replied Jim. "Ask the Indian." Upon being questioned, Yaqui repeated what he had said about the dreaded ano seco of the Mexicans. In a dry year this waterhole failed. "Dick, take a rope an' see how much water's in the hole." Gale could not find bottom with a thirty foot lasso.