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By the bedside a woman of uncertain age in deep mourning, with little twinkling eyes and fat cheeks, was rocking the baby on her knee and babbling over it in words of maudlin endearment. "Bless it, 'ow it do notice! Boo-loo-loo!" Glory leaned over the little one and pronounced it the prettiest baby she had ever seen. "Syme 'ere miss. There ain't sech another in all London!

They ran like people in a pelting rain, and between them they carried a large bag or bundle, slung in an oilcloth. They were tall and hardy men, and they moved with a curious air of determination. "Carrying powder! Gawd! before I'd be sech a fool " A shell came, and burst burst between the two men. There was an explosion, ear-splitting, heart-rending.

Then she looked at the chicken-dish, and now at the bowl of gruel which she had carefully set on the back of the stove to keep warm. "Don't know ez it would hurt 'im any ef I'd thicken that gruel up into mush. He's took sech a distaste to soft food sense he's got that new set." She rose as she spoke, poured the gruel back into the pot, sifted and mixed a spoonful of meal and stirred it in.

"I know'd they'd crowd us out'n house an' home ef they got a chance; I could 'a' took oath to it! Cuss 'em, an' contrive 'em, both sides on 'em, all an' similar! They'd as lief make a hoss-stable out'n the house as not, an' I built it wi' my two han's." "An' what ef you did?" inquired the woman with some show of spirit. "Hit ain't sech a beauty that you kin brag on it. An' who made your two han's?

Troo, as I confesses to you frequent yeretofore, I ain't married none myse'f; still, I've been livin' a likely number of years, an' has nacherally witnessed a whole lot touchin' other gents an' their wives; an' sech experiences is bound to breed concloosions.

No sah, Mars Harry, yo' ought to know, yo ain't got no call to sarve sech as them!" "I don't know," he returned slowly, "I'm afraid I have." "Have what?" "A call to serve such as them." He repeated her words slowly. "I don't know why they are, or how they came to be. Whatever or whoever is responsible for the existence of such people and such conditions is a problem for the age to solve.

After they got under headway I couldn't say anything they had sech a solemn way about it, and then I couldn't help but be fair and think if I'd been in Dick's place they would have gone through exactly the same antics, an' been jest as liberal in showing due respect. Hettie says it is all to come out of her own money that she had when she married you.

He sez he did hev a sight of hit onct, but so many of the wimmin folks come in ter buy hit, 'n' hit war sech a sight of trubble gittin' up 'n' settin' down agin, cuttin' off pieces 'n' waitin' on 'em, that he jest th'owed out what he had left 'n' allowed he wouldn't buy no moh." This was all very serious to Mrs. Owsley and Jane replied in the same vein: "Then a blue polka dot.

It would have been breakin' the trooce as Injuns an' I onderstands sech things; moreover, they let me go free without conditions when I was loser by every roole of the game." The Mills of Savage Gods. "Thar might, of course, be romances in the West," observed the Old Cattleman, reflectively, in response to my question, "but the folks ain't got no time.

Ha, ha, ha! In the desert, he will defile them. In the waters of the lake, he will drown them ha, ha, ha!" "Them's yur words o' comfort, air they?" cried Wingrove, exasperated to a pitch of fury. "Durned if I'll bar sech talk! I won't stan' it any longer. Clar out now! We want no croakin' raven hyar. Clar out! or " He was not permitted to finish the threat.