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The boys, who were nearly all students at the La Fayette High School, just around the corner from Franklin, responded with their yell, and the merry little company began hunting their places and seating themselves at the tables. Marjorie was far too much excited to eat. Her glances strayed continually down the long tables to the cheery faces of her schoolmates.

Manuel saw some indomitable purpose, bent on conquering all obstacles. Pauline saw doubt, desire, and hope; knew that a word would bring the ally she needed; and, with a courage as native to her as her pride, resolved to utter it. Seating herself, she beckoned her companion to assume the place beside her, but for the first time he hesitated.

"What would you say now," asked Mr Tippet, seating himself on his bench, or rather on the top of a number of gimblets and chisels and files and pincers that lay on it; "what would you say now to sitting from morning till night in a dusty ware-room, where the light is so feeble that it can scarcely penetrate the dirt that encrusts the windows, writing in books that are so greasy that the ink can hardly be got to mark the paper?

They had no other choice than to remain where they were until the morning; so, seating themselves upon the rock, they prepared to pass the night. They sat huddled close together. They could not lie down there was not room enough for that.

Vivian collected the scattered cards into two divisions. "Now!" said the Baron, seating himself, "for St. George's revenge." The Chevalier and the greatest sufferer took their places. "Is Ernstorff coming in again, Baron?" asked Vivian. "No! I think not." "Let us be sure; it is disagreeable to be disturbed at this time of night." "Lock the door, then," said St. George.

Oswald's counter, and seating herself on a high stool, as was her wont, laid herself out distinctly for a list of purchases and a good deliberate ill-natured gossip. 'Two pounds of coffee, if you please, Mrs.

To get away from it all for a while Tom strolled a short distance out of camp, seating himself on the ground under a big tree not far from the trail. Five minutes later the young chief heard halting footsteps that struck his ear as being rather stealthy. Someone, from camp, was heading that way. Stealth in the other's movements made Reade draw himself back into the shadow.

"Firstly," began Maurice, seating himself on the rustic bench near her, "why isn't Miss Lafitte a belle? she is certainly beautiful." "'Pretty is as pretty does' a motto especially true of belles." "Which, interpreted, means she is not agreeable. Yet she has mind, or she would not keep that thoughtful position for so long a time."

So I sat down, to wait for him, and presently he returned; and when I saw him come riding up, my wit was confounded by his beauty ands grace. As soon as he saw me sitting at the door, he dismounted and coming up to me, saluted and embraced me; and meseemed I embraced the world and all that therein is. Then he carried me into his house and seating me on his own couch, called for food.

Seating herself our midst, she took up a piece of needlework, saying, "I can always talk best, when my hands an employed," and began as follows: "I suppose none of you, perhaps not even my own Harry is aware that my home has not always been in Canada; but I will now inform you that the days of my childhood and youth were passed in a pretty town near the base of the Alleghany Mountains in the State of Virginia.