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If God be with one, who can hurt one? As HE said, 'If God be for us, who can be against us? Now, if so much safety flows from God's being for one, how safe are we when God is with us? What, what shall I say? God's presence is renewing, transforming, seasoning, sanctifying, commanding, sweetening, and enlightening to the soul!

People like Peacock treat poetry, and art generally, as an adventitious seasoning of life ornamental perhaps, but rather out of place in a progressive and practical age. Shelley undermines the whole position by asserting that poetry a name which includes for him all serious art is the very stuff out of which all that is valuable and real in life is made.

In those early days it was not uncommon, it was indeed the custom, for some one of the men who were called "journeymen cabinet-makers" that is, men who had served their time and learned their trade, but had not yet settled down to a fixed place and shop of their own to take up an abode in the house with the family which had built it, for a year, or even two or three years, carrying on the work in some out-house or dependence, choosing and seasoning the wood, and measuring the furniture for the spaces where it was to stand.

If too thick add more egg, if too thin more bread. Fry a nice brown. Two cups of boiled squash, half a cup of flour, one teaspoon of baking-powder, one egg and two tablespoons of milk. It is assumed that the squash has been prepared as a vegetable, with seasoning and a little butter, and what is here used is a cold, left over portion of the same.

He was then about forty a hearty, bluff gentleman, supposed to be free and breezy in his manliness from his service at sea, kindly and unaffected in manner, had not the slightest knowledge of art, but regarded Northcote as 'an honest, independent, little, old fellow, seasoning that remark with an oath, after the quarter-deck manner of naval gentlemen of the period.

Dressing made according to the following recipe: One teaspoonful mixed mustard; one-half teaspoonful sugar; four tablespoonfuls salad oil; four tablespoonfuls milk; two tablespoonfuls vinegar; cayenne and salt to taste; add the oil, drop by drop, to the mustard and sugar, mixing carefully; next add milk and vinegar very gradually, lest the sauce curdle, and the seasoning.

Boil until the strength of herbs and seasoning is extracted, then throw in a hundred shrimps river shrimps are best let boil hard ten minutes, take from fire and allow the shrimps to cool in the brine. Serve as a relish before dinner, on a bed of cracked ice, with a garnish of parsley.

Six dogs were thrown in, and the roots and stalks of the prairie plants, together with salt, and bunches of the wild pepper-plant, and of swamp mustard, were added for seasoning. Through the reserves round about for many miles swarthy heralds proclaimed that the great Chief Big Bear was giving a White Dog feast to his braves before summoning them to the war-path.

Soup made of cold meat has always a vapid, disagreeable taste, very perceptible through all the seasoning, and which nothing indeed can disguise. Also, it will be of a bad, dingy colour. The juices of the meat having been exhausted by the first cooking, the undue proportion of watery liquid renders it, for soup, indigestible and unwholesome, as well as unpalatable.

Balls should be thrown in about twenty minutes before serving; they are made in the following way: take a little of the fish, the liver, and roe, if there is any, beat it up finely with chopped parsley, and spread warmed butter, crumbs of bread, and seasoning according to taste; form this into a paste with eggs, and make it into balls of a moderate size; this is a very nice dish when cold; garnish with sliced lemon and parsley.