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Not so; far away I could see faint corruscations of sparks; star shells; coloured fire balls from pistols; searchlights playing up and down the coast. Our fellows were being hard beset to hold on to what they had won; there, where the horizon stood out with spectral luminosity.

When she recovered the limousine was still rattling forward at a brisk gait but bumping over ruts in a manner that indicated a country road. Through the curtains she could see little but the black night, although there was a glow ahead cast by the searchlights of the car. Louise was weak and unnerved. She had no energy to find a way to combat her fate, if such a way were possible.

You know that radium is activated and glows under ultra-violet?" "Yes." "Mounted on our flyer are six ultra-violet searchlights. By the side of each one is a wide angle telescopic concentrator which will focus any reflected ultra-violet onto a radium coated screen and thus make it visible to us.

Star shells were thrown up to try and locate the Zepp., and the sky was full of showering lights, blue, green, and pink. Four searchlights were playing, shrapnel was bursting, and a motor machine gun let off volleys from sheer excitement, the sharp tut-tut-tut adding to the general confusion. In the pauses the elusive Zepp. could be heard buzzing like some gigantic angry bee.

Sculptural groups on Arches of Rising and Setting Sun, flooded with light from searchlights, creating black shadows, in turn illuminated by purple lights on top of arch.

Once Artie came up coughing and choking and watched a few seconds to see if the wind was blowing the smoke away as fast as the signs were made, because that was important. "It's lucky we have that wind," he said, and then went down again in a hurry. Pretty soon we could see some searchlights far away and I guess they were on the ships.

Let's all look around for the Kondal. I sure hope they didn't get her in that fracas." They diffused the rays of eight giant searchlights into a vertical fan, and with it swept slowly through almost a semi-circle before anything was seen. Then there was revealed a cluster of cylindrical objects amid a mass of wreckage, which Crane recognized at once. "The Kondal is gone, Dick.

As the launch steamed away, carrying Kennedy and two other shipmates who had been overcome by heat, there was a lump in many a throat. It was not until almost dark the next day that the bunkers were filled. Shortly after ten the "Yankee" passed the fleet off Santiago. The electric searchlights in use on the ships nearer shore made a particularly brilliant display.

In the corner a sheet of iron fell in thunder to the ground. "Brothers, we know what we mean to do." In a spluttering of light from the searchlights Redwood saw earnest youthful faces turning to his son. "It is easy now to make the Food. It would be easy for us to make Food for all the world."

Markham seated herself. She turned her light eyes upon him. He had a subconscious impression of standing before two searchlights. "My niece has told me much about Dr. Blake," she said in a voice which, like Annette's, showed every intonation of culture; "I can't thank you enough for being kind to my little girl.