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I assure you that we in London had no knowledgeCouldn’t you describe the person you gave the stuff to?” The other turned his spectacles upon Ossipon like a pair of searchlights. “Describe him,” he repeated slowly. “I don’t think there can be the slightest objection now. I will describe him to you in one wordVerloc.”

One of them, the L-21, appeared over the northern district about 2.15 in the morning of September 3, 1916, where she was picked up by searchlights and heavily engaged by antiaircraft guns and aeroplanes. After a few minutes the airship was seen to burst into flames and fall rapidly toward the earth.

You are going to attract your moths by a light and then catch 'em with the suction cleaner," exclaimed Bruce. "Sure, and here's how I'm going to do it. I'm going to take one of the automobile's searchlights and shine it off on to some trees and then put the vacuum cleaner just under the light beams. Then when Mr.

The searchlights then came into play. Sweeping the heavens from east to west, from north to south, they searched the firmament, but could not find the Zeppelin. Was it really there, or was the whole thing due to excited Roumanian nerves? "Suddenly a sound was heard: the noise of the propeller overhead. It sounded so near in the clear, starry night, we felt we must be able to see it.

Although the raid lasted nearly an hour and powerful searchlights were brought into play, neither guns nor our airmen succeeded in causing any loss to the raiders. Bombs were dropped at a number of other places, including Margate and Southend, but without result.

For instance, if an enterprising secret agent of France were to try to steal up on the station, if he came by night and cut through the barbed wire, a series of bells would immediately sound the general alarm. Having passed through the six strands of barbed wire a tall octagonal tower meets the eye. In this tower are installed two powerful searchlights as well as a complete wireless outfit.

Afterward, the Admiral was asked why the Spanish ships had not left the harbor during the hours of night, and he answered: "The searchlights of your ships were too blinding." What a change had taken place in less than four hours on that Sunday! The Spanish fleet had been destroyed, six hundred Spaniards had lost their lives, many were wounded, a thousand were in the hands of the Americans.

"Dive!" yelled the commander to his navigating officer, as he himself slanted the submerging rudders. Almost at the same moment the German warship's powerful searchlights turned full upon the American submarine. Then came a great spit of fire from a battery aboard the enemy vessel followed by the roar of her guns and a salvo of shots.

After that there was no further word from the doomed cruiser. The searchlights of both fleets played full upon the Glasgow as she settled lower in the water. She staggered, seemed to make an effort to hold herself afloat, and then sank suddenly. The duel of big guns broke out afresh. Dawn. With the breaking of the intense darkness what a surprise was in store for the Germans!

Then he turned his full eyes like searchlights upon the girl. "And you," he said, marvelling, "you actually came with a man like King into a place like this!" "I was a fool," cried Gloria. "A pitiful little fool. Oh!" Had she been thinking less of Gloria and more of this other man with whom she was now to cope she must have marked a certain swift change in his attitude.