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Elliot stopped suddenly, and gazing down from the height which they had now reached into the valley, seemed to be searching for the spot where the fatal accident had taken place, as if to assist him in the train of thought which his friend's words had aroused.

When their dance was ended Alice and Beverley followed the others of their set out into the open air while a fresh stream of eager dancers poured in. Beverley insisted upon wrapping Alice in her mantle of unlined beaver skin against the searching winter breath.

The evidence was of so indefinite and flimsy a nature that the credence given to the conclusion from it can only illustrate how little a subject or a document is exposed to searching analysis outside the precincts of a law court. When he was nominated for the presidency this scandal was naturally raked up and much made of it.

Each winter brought its searching attack of cold and cough; each summer reduced him to the state of nervous prostration or physical apathy of which I have already spoken, and which at once rendered change imperative, and the exertion of seeking it almost intolerable.

"Going," said Bellew, searching through his pockets for a match, "going, my Porges, why er for a stroll, to be sure, just a walk before breakfast, you know." "But then why have you brought your bag?" "Bag!" repeated Bellew, stooping down to look at it, "why so I have!" "Please why?" persisted Small Porges, suddenly anxious. "Why did you bring it?" "Well, I expect it was to er to bear me company.

On entering her chamber, he found her sitting up in bed eating the orange, while little Jane stood by her looking into her face with an air of subdued, yet heartfelt gratification. All this he saw at a glance, yet did not seem to see, for he pretended to be searching for something, which, apparently obtained, he left the room and the house, with feelings of acute pain and self-upbraidings.

But a moment's reflection told him that the act of stooping, of searching, would put him more at the mercy of an assailant than ever. There was absolutely nothing to do but to wait and to listen. And the noise he heard was like the drawing of a log of wood slowly along the floor. This was followed by a dull sound, like the falling of a log to the earth.

It can not be discussed without first answering some very searching questions. It is said in some quarters that we are not prepared for war. What is meant by being prepared? Is it meant that we are not ready upon brief notice to put a nation in the field, a nation of men trained to arms?

Then searching back in the chamber of his mind he will remember some long past act of arrogance conceived of at the time merely as an exertion of legitimate power and ability and he will realise that he is paying in maturity for the indiscretions of his youth. He may be engaged in some scheme for the benefit of a people or a nation in which there is not the faintest trace of self-interest.

They seemed to dig down into her very soul, as if searching for something. He bowed gravely and limped back to his table. "I begin to understand," was Dennison's comment. "Understand what?" "All this racket about those beads. My father and this man Cunningham in the same town generally has significance. It is eight years since I saw Cunningham.