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In a letter to Seagrove, at the beginning of 1794, Blount told him sharply that as far as the Cumberland district was concerned the Creeks had been the only ones to blame since the treaty of New York, for they had killed or enslaved over two hundred whites, attacking them in their houses, fields, or on the public roads, and had driven off over a thousand horses, while the Americans had done the Creeks no injuries whatever except in defence of their homes and lives, or in pursuing war parties.

Whenever he said that anything he was going to narrate was "as good as a comedy," it was generally understood by those who were acquainted with him, that he was to be asked so to do. Cecilia Ossulton therefore immediately said, "Pray act it, Mr Seagrove."

"Yes, and you'll get over it cleverly, I've no doubt. Five thousand acres, William, and a pretty wife!" "Have you any further commands, uncle?" said William, depositing the cheque in his pocket-book. "None, my dear boy; are you going?" "Yes, sir; I dine at the Clarendon." "Well, then, good-bye. Make my compliments and excuses to your friend Seagrove. You will come on Tuesday or Wednesday."

The air has given everybody an appetite; and it was not until the cloth was removed that the conversation became general. "Mr Seagrove," said his lordship, "you very nearly lost your passage; I expected you last Thursday." "I am sorry, my lord, that business prevented my sooner attending to your lordship's kind summons."

In those dresses, gentlemen, you will not be able to do your duty; oblige me by shifting, and putting on these." Corbett handed a flannel shirt, a rough jacket and trousers, to Messrs Hautaine, Ossulton, Vaughan, and Seagrove. After some useless resistance they were stripped, and having put on the smugglers' attire, they were handed on board of the Happy-go-lucky.

Upon which, Mr Seagrove premising that he had not only heard, but also seen all that passed changing his voice, and suiting the action to the word, commenced. "It may," said he, "be called We shall not describe Mr Seagrove's motions; they must be inferred from his words.