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Here was a man compelled to lie outrageously who, in happier years, had prided himself on scrupulous accuracy even in small things. "Plague upon it!" he silently protested. "Subterfuge and deceit are as much at home in this deserted island as in Mayfair." "I found it here, Miss Deane," he answered. Luckily she interpreted "here" as applying to the cave. "Let me see it. May I?"

He meets with little pity, and yet has found as much ingratitude as he had had power of doing service. I am glad you are going to have a great duke; it will amuse you, and a new Court will make Florence lively, the only beauty it wants. You divert me with my friend the Duke of Modena's conscientious match: if the Duchess had outlived him, she would not have been so scrupulous.

The second Letter is from a Lady of a Mind as great as her Understanding. There is perhaps something in the Beginning of it which I ought in Modesty to conceal; but I have so much Esteem for this Correspondent, that I will not alter a Tittle of what she writes, tho' I am thus scrupulous at the Price of being Ridiculous. Mr.

The Baron's share in the dangerous mystery of Doom made him less scrupulous than he might otherwise have been as to the punctilio of a domestic's introduction to one apparently kept out of his way for reasons best known to his host; and he advanced to the encounter in the mood of the adventurer, Mungo in his rear beholding it in his jaunty step, in the fingers that pulled and peaked the moustachio, and drew forth a somewhat pleasing curl that looked well across a temple.

One snowy day, when nobody was about, Claude took the big car and went over to his own place to close the house for the winter and bring away the canned fruit and vegetables left in the cellar. Enid had packed her best linen in her cedar chest and had put the kitchen and china closets in scrupulous order before she went away.

For what concerns ourselves, who are not so scrupulous in this affair, and who attribute the honour of the war to him who has the profit of it, and who after Lysander say, "Where the lion's skin is too short, we must eke it out with a bit from that of a fox"; the most usual occasions of surprise are derived from this practice, and we hold that there are no moments wherein a chief ought to be more circumspect, and to have his eye so much at watch, as those of parleys and treaties of accommodation; and it is, therefore, become a general rule amongst the martial men of these latter times, that a governor of a place never ought, in a time of siege, to go out to parley.

Anxious as Knox had declared himself to be to "strike at the root," he could not, surely, be less scrupulous about a trial than Morton, though the decision of the Court was foredoomed. Sandys, the Bishop of London, advised that Mary's head should be chopped off! On November 9, 1572, Knox inducted Mr. Lawson into his place as minister at St. Giles's.

Look at those horsemen beyond you, and see if they do not wear the uniform of his majesty's own body-guard." Sir Norman looked, and saw the dazzling of their splendid equipments glancing and glistening in the moonbeams. "I see. Then you have the royal permission for all this?" "You have said it. Now, most scrupulous of men, proceed!"

"None that you need practise, if you are so scrupulous; perhaps your scruples may some day be removed. I make the most of my wares every merchant does the same. I practise upon the folly of mankind it is on that, that wise men live." Timothy gave me a push, and nodded his head for me to give my consent. I reflected a few seconds, and at last I extended my hand.

"Ten-sixty-six to ten-eighty-seven," said Paul the scholar. "They mun be nine hundred years old." "Not quite," said Barney Bill, with an air of scrupulous desire for veracity. "But nearly. Lor' lumme!" he exclaimed, after a pause, "it makes one think, doesn't it?