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'Not so, said a voice, which the lovers started to hear; it was a voice they well recognized. 'I am bound to the villa of Marcus Polybius. I shall return shortly. I am Arbaces the Egyptian. The scruples of him at the gate were removed, and the litter passed close beside the carriage that bore the lovers. 'Arbaces, at this hour! scarce recovered too, methinks!

He obeyed, although not agreeing in her view of the reserve to be maintained between lovers; but, he made up his mind to return to the charge and triumph over her bashful scruples. In fact, he began again the very next day, and his impetuous ardor encountered the same refusal in the same firm, though affectionate manner.

Those were scruples at which Undy laughed pleasantly, and Alaric soon laughed with him. 'At any rate, said Undy, 'your report is written, and off your hands now: so you may do what you please in the matter, like a free man, with a safe conscience. Alaric supposed that he might. 'I am as fond of the Civil Service as any man, said Undy; 'just as fond of it as Sir Gregory himself.

You were bribing a poor man to furnish you with statistics, which he was very reluctant to let you have; yet you overcame his scruples with money, quite willing that he should risk his livelihood, so long as you got the news.

In these scruples I cordially concurred; and if I marry Evelyn, my first care will be to carry them into effect, by securing to Vargrave, as far as the law may permit, the larger part of the income; I should like to say all, at least till Evelyn's children would have the right to claim it: a right not to be enforced during her own, and, therefore, probably not during Vargrave's life.

Certainly, he would not have read a letter, but, believing to find only a few spiritual thoughts, he read without any scruples. It contained the plan for the dinner of that day, to which he had been invited, and had been written by Mme. Necker on the previous evening. It told what she would say to the most prominent of the invited guests.

And yet, whenever any more than usually horrible massacre of some pretty and innocent fly almost moved me in my righteous wrath to rush out into the garden in hot haste and put an end at once to the cruel wretch's existence with a judicial antimacassar, a number of moral scruples, such as could only be adequately resolved by the editor of the Spectator, always occurred spontaneously to my mind and conscience just in time to ensure that wicked Eliza a fresh spell of life in which to continue unabashed her atrocious behaviour.

And at the same time this is the simplest and most certain method." Alexey Alexandrovitch fully understood now. But he had religious scruples, which hindered the execution of such a plan. "That is out of the question in the present case," he said. "Only one alternative is possible: undesigned detection, supported by letters which I have."

"Christian scruples," said the merchant, and Damia added: "Let Eros touch her that will loosen her tongue." "Eros, always Eros!" repeated Gorgo shrugging her shoulders. "Nay, love means suffering those who love drag a chain with them. To do the best of which he is capable man needs only to be free, true, and in health." "That is a great deal, fair mistress," replied Karnis eagerly.

I'll just stay five minutes; I daresay there's time enough." The scruples of Charlie's conscience were silenced.