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Don't suppose that any mere scribbling and typework will suffice to answer the scribbling and typework set at work to demolish you, write down that rubbish you can't; live it down you may. If you are rich, like Squire Hazeldean, do good with your money; if you are poor, like Signor Riccabocca, do good with your kindness.

One bitterly cold March day Jasmine had been sitting for hours scribbling away at her novel. Daisy petted the cat, looked over some well-known picture-books, and finally sank back into the recesses of one of the most comfortable chairs in the room and began to think about the Prince. "Don't go to sleep, Daisy," called out Jasmine presently. "I'm coming over in a minute to consult you."

'Your most brilliant debut' 'How shall we thank you for such an artistic treat? 'Oh, your divine rendering of, &c. 'You have taken your place, at once and sans phrase, in the very front rank of violinists. She smiled once more, and lost a little of her cadaverous hue. Felix Dymes, scribbling late, repeated things that he had heard since the afternoon.

You have yes! you have amused me! and I've made you happy given you something to think about besides scribbling and publishing yes I'm sure I have made you happy and, what is much more to my credit I have taken care of you and left you unharmed. Think of that!

It seemed that every bet that was offered was taken by him, and that every bet taken by any one else had been offered by him. He was always scribbling something in that well-worn book of his, and yet he never had his hand away from his tumbler except when it was on the decanter. All the waiters came to him for orders, and he seemed perfectly competent to attend to them.

This habit had been begun in college, where it was much applauded by the underlings, who delighted to see their unpopular teachers done to a turn. The scribbling habit is a variant of that peculiar propensity which finds form in drawing a portrait on the blackboard before the teacher gets around in the morning.

So, when I go out, I hear first, 'Grunt, grunt, then 'Squeak, squeak. But this does me no harm. I am always in good humor." Offended by a pungent article, a gentleman called at the "Tribune" office and inquired for the editor. He was shown into a little seven-by-nine sanctum, where Greeley sat, with his head close down to his paper, scribbling away at a two-forty rate.

"But if you think you're on the track of a big newspaper sensation, I can tell you now you're not. That's the work of a crazy woman, or it's a hoax. You amateur detectives " Ford was already seated at the table, scribbling a copy of the message, and making marginal notes. "Who brought the FIRST paper?" he interrupted. "A hansom-cab driver." "What became of HIM?" snapped the amateur detective.

Now and then I have bought a volume of the raggedest and wretchedest aspect, dishonoured with foolish scribbling, torn, blotted no matter, I liked better to read out of that than out of a copy that was not mine. But I was guilty at times of mere self-indulgence; a book tempted me, a book which was not one of those for which I really craved, a luxury which prudence might bid me forego.

Lucetta was rather addicted to scribbling, as had been shown by the torrent of letters after the fiasco in their marriage arrangements, and hardly had Elizabeth gone away when another note came to the Mayor's house from High-Place Hall. "I am in residence," she said, "and comfortable, though getting here has been a wearisome undertaking.