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Working like the crew of a sinking ship, we snatched the first page form back off the steam table and pried it open and gouged a double handful of hot slugs out of the last column Devore blistered his fingers doing it. A couple of linotype operators who were on the late trick threw together the stick or two of copy that Webb and I scribbled off a line at a time.

The other was almost covered with writing, scribbled with blue pencil, a pencil which must have been rather blunt, because the marking was heavy, though it showed signs of haste. No one familiar with Eagle March's hand could have failed to recognize it as his, rough and hurried as was the scrawl. At the top of the page was jotted down the date of that unforgettable night at El Paso.

And then it will remain quite stationary above one spot on the planet, a hundred and eighty degrees longitude away from the landing-grid and directly over the equator." He scribbled for a moment. "Which means forty-two thousand miles high, give or take a few hundred, and here! And I was hunting for it in a close-in orbit!" He grumbled to himself.

In any case he was strongly attracted to the man from a strictly human point of view. He took out a pocket pad and pencil, and replied, while he scribbled: "I'll ship you. What's your name?" "Bill Blunt 'ere." "Then, here " handing him a hastily scrawled note to the mate "take this aboard the Barang, and the mate will fix you up. Look out you don't get shot going aboard.

'Intensely nervous, and feeling much of that shame at the exercise of the higher intelligence which besets those who are known to be renowned in field sports, Gordon produced his poems shyly, scribbled them on scraps of paper, and sent them anonymously to magazines.

Her algebra, as she expressed it, had "gone and lost itself," her slate was missing, and the string was off her sun-bonnet. She ran about, searching for these articles and banging doors, till Aunt Izzie was out of patience. "As for your algebra," she said, "if it is that very dirty book with only one cover, and scribbled all over the leaves, you will find it under the kitchen-table.

A horrible misgiving had attacked her when she had scribbled the note and closed her eyes, that the cocktails and the champagne she herself had consumed since seven o'clock might have clouded her judgment if, indeed, they were not responsible for the whole nightmare. Would she be equal to following out the line she had set for herself?

The room was foul with smoke, and he opened a window over the gardens letting in a gush of chill sweet air and rain. Through the darkness he could hear many chimes, counting eleven. He looked wearily at the scribbled notes for his essay on Danton and Robespierre: then shrugged his shoulders and went to bed.

Dinah spent her Sunday afternoon seated in a far corner of the verandah, inditing a very laboured epistle to her mother a very different affair from the gay little missives she scribbled to her father every other day. The letter to her mother was a duty which must of necessity be accomplished, and perhaps in consequence she found it peculiarly distasteful.

So saying, in order that they might not have to go on foot for there was only an old broken-down mare which Tittone had brought the brothers caused a most beautiful coach to appear, drawn by six lions, in which they all five seated themselves; and having travelled the whole day, they came in the evening to a tavern, where, whilst the supper was being prepared, they passed the time in reading all the proofs of men's ignorance which were scribbled upon the walls.