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We saw also an autograph letter of Lucrezia Borgia, a lady for whom I have always entertained the highest respect, on account of her rare histrionic capabilities, her opulence in solid gold goblets made of gilded wood, her high distinction as an operatic screamer, and the facility with which she could order a sextuple funeral and get the corpses ready for it.

But there are many exceptions; and if this greater alertness and activity is what is meant by "wildness," then the young of some wild birds rhea, crested screamer, &c. are actually much tamer than our newly-hatched chickens and ducklings.

Polly did not answer a single word, he continued to swing proudly to and fro; but a beautiful canary, who had been brought from his own warm, fragrant fatherland, the summer previous, began to sing as loud as he could. "You screamer!" said the lady, throwing a white handkerchief over the cage. "Tweet, tweet," sighed he, "what a dreadful snowstorm!" and then he became silent.

Ah! that's over her. No; it's broken aside. What a long time she is in coming up. Here's a cross sea! Ferrier's baling. Oh! it's too much. Oh! my poor friend! Here's a screamer! God be praised she's topped it! Will the smack hit her? Go under his lee if you love me. They've got the rope now. In he goes, smash on his face! Just like him, the idiot Lord bless his face and him!"

Hannah von Gropphusen, however, was smiling once more; though in sooth on her pallid countenance the smile had something of a ghastly look. "No, no, Frau Kläre," she assured her; "I am better alone." Once more saying, "Forgive me, won't you?" she departed. Güntz meanwhile had not been able to quiet the little screamer, and was glad enough when Kläre took the child from him.

Of course I knew how big they were 'fore I started, and I'd fitted up the Screamer special to h'ist 'em, but I didn't know I'd have to handle 'em twice; once from where they laid on that coral reef in twenty-eight feet o' water and then unload 'em on the Navy Yard dock, above Hamilton, and then pick 'em up agin, load 'em 'board the Screamer, and unload 'em once more 'board a Boston brig they'd sent down for 'em one o' them high-waisted things 'bout sixteen feet from the water-line to the rail.

"I calculate you are no fool of a screamer," said the American, shoving off his boat from the barge, and pulling to his vessel. "And I calculate you're no fool of a liar," said young Tom. "Well, so he is; but I do like a good lie, Jacob, there's some fun in it. But what the devil does the fellow mean by calling a gale of wind a gal?"

In the Cougarville Screamer of the following morning appeared a graphic account of the great exploit of "Professor" Gray, of the Department of Agriculture, who on the preceding day had, after taking his force into the foothills and utilizing the means at his command, attained the greatest rainfall of the season.

I have described this sea-dog before as a younger sea-dog twenty years younger, in fact, he was in my employ then he and his sloop Screamer. Every big foundation stone that Caleb set in Shark Ledge Light the one off Keyport harbor can tell you about them both.

I'd allus heard 'at he was a rip-snortin' screamer, an' here he was talkin' low an' level like, as if he was conversin' about the weather; but when I looked into Monody's face an' saw it gray an' quivery, I knew 'at Brophy wasn't no bluffer, whether he yelled or whether he whispered. I moved about an inch 'cause my leg was strainin', an' three guns dropped on me. "Don't try nothin'," sez Brophy.