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One of them was a thin, scrawny looking man with a long beard, very, very white. His body was slightly stooping forward, and whenever he looked at you he had the appearance of bending as if to see you better. When Belton stepped on to the platform this man, who was the village doctor, looked at him keenly. Belton was a fine specimen of physical manhood.

However, you will have a chaperon, so the deficiency will be more than remedied;" and there was grim satisfaction in the woman's voice. There was no satisfaction in the young lady's face, however, and she turned with what I thought an angry look towards the scrawny duenna, who had claimed guardianship over her, and said "But, Miss Staggles, you are in a false position.

Its sides bulged out from its scrawny body when it had emptied the saucer and moved across the room. "You poor little thing!" cried the old man, picking it up gently. "It's only got three legs, Jan!" The poundmaster fixed his glasses and examined a hind leg which had no foot. "I guess it was born that way," he spoke. "Must have been taken on some boat as a mascot.

"Don't look up," whispered Clia, pressing close to the little girl's side. "Why not?" asked Trot, and then she did exactly what she had been told not to do. She lifted her head and saw stretched over them a network of scrawny, crimson arms interlaced like the branches of trees in winter when the leaves have fallen and left them bare.

"You swear that the evidence you give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God!" exclaimed a small, chunky, Irish-looking person, presenting a book to be kissed by a scrawny, chinless, goose-necked lad, whom Hulda immediately recognized as Cyrus James. "Shall I take him, Doctor Gibbons?" asked a fine-looking, easy-mannered man, of the magistrate. "Yes, Mr.

What is called fame is as scrawny and humpbacked and crooked-faced as my body but what matters that? Famous or infamous to not look like the mob is the thing."

Chichester's horse was a scrawny, speedy little beast, called Le Coq Noir, the champion trotter of the region. ", Coq!" shouted the driver, flourishing his whip, at the top of the first long hill; and they started off at a breakneck pace. They passed through the village of Sacré Coeur a mile and a half ahead of the other wagon.

Little Patience looked up and began to whimper with fear. "Get out, you old rip!" said Kent. "Eat! Eat!" insisted the squaw, a certain ferocity in her manner. "Did you walk clear in from the reservation?" asked Lydia. The squaw nodded, and held out her scrawny hand for the children's inspection. "No eats, all time no eats! You give eats poor old woman." "Oh, Kent, she's half starved!

There is no grace in straight lines. No. 58, which accentuates the height of the over-tall, thin woman, is better adapted to enhance the charms of a woman of finer proportions. The bony and scrawny, of the type of No. 58, seem to have a perverse desire to wear what makes their poverty in physical charms only more conspicuous.

This utterance started a long discussion, from which Agathemer and I learned nothing except that there was much insubordination among the men following Maternus and that the scrawny objector was named Torix. The upshot of the discussion was a general agreement that Maternus ought to disclose all three plans.