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The appearance of witches in the guise of birds was no unusual thing, indeed, and a farmer named Blakesley shot one of them in that form. He was hunting in a meadow when a rush of wings was heard and he saw pass overhead a bird with long neck, blue feathers, and feet like scrawny hands. It uttered a cry so weird, so shrill, so like mocking laughter that it made him shudder.

He was compelled to marry a scrawny little duchess, and Olga was warned that if she attempted to entice him away from his wife she would be punished. She did not attempt it, because she is a virtuous girl of that I am sure. But she hates them all oh, how she hates them! Her uncle, Spantz, offered her a home. She came here a month ago, broken-spirited and sick.

Perceiving, then, that I would not be convinced, the doctor took me walking on the bald old Watchman, and there shamed me for mistrusting him: saying, afterwards, that though it might puzzle our harbour and utterly confound his greater world, which must now be informed, he had in truth cast his lot with us, for good and all, counting his fortune a happy one, thus to come at last to a little corner of the world where good impulses, elsewhere scrawny and disregarded, now flourished lustily in his heart.

It seemed to filter in through the pores of my skin, but it was information that I felt sure was correct. Captain Newmarch was a bilious Englishman with a thin, scrawny beard. He endeavoured to make one word do the work of two or three if they were very short words and working up a conversation with him was as tough a job as one could lay hold of.

A young Scandinavian, an undersized, scrawny boy. He was pallid, and glazy-eyed with terror, as well he might be after facing the Old Man's tirade, and when I took the spokes from his nerveless grasp he had not sufficient wit left to give me the course. Indeed, he had not much chance to speak, for Captain Swope had followed me aft, and as soon as I had the wheel he commenced on the luckless youth.

She could look out tabbily from above a lap of handiwork, but in her boudoir wrapper of gray flannelette scalloped in black she was scrawny, almost rangy, like a horse whose ribs show. "I can no more imagine those two courting," Mrs. Keller, a proud twin herself and proud mother of twins, remarked one afternoon to a euchre group. "They must have sat company by correspondence.

"I know I've done a most reprehensible thing in courting them I mean her in this manner, but, you see " At this juncture Mrs. Gladding entered the room, followed by two strange young women sleepy, tired, scrawny young women, who looked at Mr. Hamshaw as if he were a sofa-cushion and nothing more. "My wife er Mr. Hamshaw, and the Misses Frost," mumbled Mr. Gladding, bowled over completely.

Across the threshold of the nursery, however, the vagueness vanished; the eyes grew keen as sharp-pointed bits of steel, yet strangely gentle, while he sat down beside the crib and laid one mammoth brown hand above the scrawny little claw. Then, for just a minute, the keen eyes narrowed to a line. A minute afterward, he looked up and smiled across at Brenton.

Those are French geraniums very hard to get. They're double, you see, and don't look like the scrawny things you see in this country. I'll ask my secretary what I paid for that plant. Is that dinner, Waters? Come right in, gentlemen, we won't wait for ceremony." Whereupon the delegation would file into the dining room in solemn silence behind the imperturbable Waters, with dubious glances at Mr.

Men who ran across that rim of a summer's after-noon died in torture under tier upon tier of their comrades, and so the hole was filled. An upright cannon marks the spot where a scrawny oak once stood on a scarred and baked hillside, outside of the Confederate lines at Vicksburg.