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On one of these halcyon days of early summer Rose Macleod was re-reading a letter from her friend Helene; which, though a mere elegant scrawl in the first place, and now yellow and worn with age, has been with some difficulty deciphered by the writers of this veracious history.

The other was almost covered with writing, scribbled with blue pencil, a pencil which must have been rather blunt, because the marking was heavy, though it showed signs of haste. No one familiar with Eagle March's hand could have failed to recognize it as his, rough and hurried as was the scrawl. At the top of the page was jotted down the date of that unforgettable night at El Paso.

But Philip's scrawl was like that of 'a' clown just admitted to a writing-school, and the whole margin of a fairly penned despatch perhaps fifty pages long; laid before him for comment and signature by Idiaquez or Moura, would be sometimes covered with a few awkward sentences, which it was almost impossible to read, and which, when deciphered, were apt to reveal suggestions of astounding triviality.

The postmark showed that it had been mailed early that morning at the general post office and that there was slight chance of tracing anything in that direction. Then he opened it and read. The writing was in a bold scrawl and hastily executed: You have heard, no doubt, of the alleged loss of an automobile by Mr. Mortimer Warrington.

He took up the pail mechanically, removed its cover, and started; for on top of the carefully bestowed provisions lay a little note, addressed to him in Ruth's peculiar scrawl. He opened it with feverish hands, held it in the light of the peaceful moon, and read as follows: DEAR, DEAR BROTHER, When you read this, I shall be far away.

I discovered the scrawl a short time back; but I believed, as it was not very distinct, the painter or some one else meant to inscribe the name of Höllenbreughel: in this way the old scoundrel himself explained it to me when I shewed it him, and read it Ellenbroeg, and added that artists had never concerned themselves particularly with orthography.

You are a close enough student of the game to know that that was just about forty years ago." Smith nodded. "Before Richard Smith was born. But I remember the date. Who appointed you as agent?" Mr. Osgood pointed to the scrawl at the foot of the framed commission. "My old friend, James Wintermuth," he said. He paused a moment.

The thieves must certainly have known something about Mrs. Ellsworth, or else, in helping themselves to her valuables, it would not have occurred to them to scrawl a sarcastic message. That message had delighted Knight when he heard of it. He had laughed and said, "I like those chaps! They can have my money when they want it!" Since then they had had his money, and other possessions.

I had to live. It did not matter much, but I continued to do it by various shifts. That last day on the headland the fumes nearly got me. You may have noted the rather excited scrawl in the back of the ledger? Yes, I thought I was gone that time. But I got to the cave. It was low tide. Then the earthquake, and I was walled in.... Mr.

"Not even the civility to write with his own hand! only his signature to the scrawl looks as if it was written by a drunken man, does not it, Mr. Evans?" said she, showing the letter to Lord Colambre, who immediately recognized the writing of Sir Terence O'Fay. "It does not look like the hand of a gentleman, indeed," said Lord Colambre.