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When he cried for the moon, it was promised him immediately; however irrational his proposition, she always assented to it, though generally by tact and vigilance she guided him in the right direction. Nevertheless, St. Aldegonde was sometimes in scrapes; but then he always went and told his best friend, whose greatest delight was to extricate him from his perplexities and embarrassments.

At that period great favour was shown to Englishmen in the Austrian service, and the lieutenant's uncle being a General of distinction, he had a sort of semi-attachment to the Marshal's staff, and was hurried to and fro, for the purpose of keeping him out of duelling scrapes, as many of his friendlier comrades surmised.

Prescott would have been appointed corporal, but for his reputation for dodging out of the biggest scrapes of his class. So Mr. Dodge is to be the new cadet corporal." "Oh, you sly old ramrod!" Dunstan was murmuring ecstatically, back in that other tent. "When I think of all the yearlings who've been dropped for hazing in past years!

His leg is sheathed to the knee in dust and sweat; he absently scrapes it with his knife, and presently he amuses himself by moistening a strip with his forefinger and shaving it, as if he were vaguely curious to see if he is still a white man. The Hungerford coach ploughs past in a dense cloud of dust.

I hurt her! Oh! I'm a fool! a fool! a d d fool! Who's that?" "It's Kew," says a voice out of the darkness from behind cigar No. 4, and Clive now, having a party assembled, scrapes a match and lights his candles. "I heard your last words, Jack," Lord Kew says bluntly, "and you never spoke more truth in your life. Why did you come here?

"I'm sorry I can't help you, Dextry, but I got mixed up in one of your scrapes and that's plenty." "This ain't no stowaway. There's no danger to you," began Dextry, but the officer interrupted him: "There's no need of arguing. I won't do it." "Oh, you WON'T, eh?" said the old man, beginning to lose his temper. "Well, you listen to me for a minute.

He had firmly refused to contribute another cent to settle Moreau's scrapes, even though he was a distant kinsman of his wife, and they both were fond of his little sister Fawn Eyes. It had never occurred to Mrs. Hay that Nan could steal from or plot against her benefactors, but that was before she dreamed that Nanette had become the Indian's wife. After that, anything might happen.

They told me he was stopping here." "He will be in directly," said Lady Mary, "and Sarah Hewel ought to be here presently too. She is coming to luncheon." "Sarah!" said Peter. "I should like to see her again. Is she still such a rum little toad? Always getting into scrapes, and coming to you for comfort?"

But after I became a student at Guy's I gave her much trouble, and got myself into some sad scrapes. I spent her present, and something more, in hiring mounts, for I was passionately fond of riding, especially to hounds, and ran into debt with a neighboring livery-stable keeper to the tune of twenty pounds.

But frolic degenerated into brawl and debauch: what had been scrapes for the boy became scandals for the man; and he gathered a more and more unsavoury reputation until its like was not to be found outside a penitentiary. The crux of his career in his own country was reached during a midnight quarrel in Chicago when he shot a negro gambler.