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A man of my age to take pleasure in seeing that little head filled with follies and fancies of which I am the object. But can one let one be ever so old always act or think reasonably? You are mad, Marien! A child of fourteen! Bah! they make her out to be fourteen but she is fifteen and was not that the age of Juliet? But, you old graybeard, you are not Romeo! 'Ma foi'! I am in a pretty scrape.

You, too, are inclined to think that I'm in an awful scrape. I feel less like getting out of it every day. My wife is as respectable as I am and a good sight better than I am. If I'm no longer respectable for having married her, I certainly am better contented than I ever expected to be again.

Come to me, my dear!" and, for wonder, Lizzie came. In the meantime my other pet, Mayflower, had also gotten into a scrape. She had driven about a huge unwieldy sow, till the animal's grunting had disturbed the repose of a still more enormous Newfoundland dog, the guardian of the yard.

"Charles O'Malley, sir. I'm come to have a bit of your advice; and as the affair won't keep, I have been obliged to disturb you." "Never mind, Charley," said the count; "sit down, there's a chair somewhere near the bed, have you found it? There! Well now, what is it? What news of Blake?" "Very bad; no worse. But it is not exactly that I came about; I've got into a scrape, sir."

Scrape into an earthen vessel one ounce and a half of spermaceti and half an ounce of white wax; add six drachms of pounded camphor, and four tablespoonsful of the best olive oil. Let it stand near the fire till it dissolves, stirring it well when liquid. Before the hands are washed, rub them thoroughly with a little of the cerate, then wash them as usual.

Sancho observed the ceremony of the washing very attentively, and said to himself, "God bless me, if it were only the custom in this country to wash squires' beards too as well as knights'. For by God and upon my soul I want it badly; and if they gave me a scrape of the razor besides I'd take it as a still greater kindness." "What are you saying to yourself, Sancho?" asked the duchess.

The little checks which "little Tom" White sent for the monthly instalments of "Arthur Gordon Pym," upon which his ex-editor industriously worked, were also most welcome. But with all they could scrape together the income was insufficient to keep three souls within three bodies, and three bodies decently covered.

They said that the beach had been exhausted of its gold, and that people were leaving for home as quickly as the steamers would take them or they could scrape up enough money to pay their passage. To those especially who were relying upon getting ready money from the beach this news was not reassuring. On June 17 the Lane withdrew from Dutch Harbor and headed up into Bering Sea.

This was a hard question, and it was utterly impossible to make a truthful reply without upsetting the plan of Mr. Gilfleur, and rendering useless the voyage of the Chateaugay to the Bahamas. "I am in just as bad a scrape as you were when you were caught on board of the Bellevite," replied Christy after a moment's reflection. "Are you a prisoner of war?"

But only let me get well through this scrape, and my name's not Walter if I ever get into such another." "And now, dear boy, what are you going to do about this matter?" asked his aunt after a pause. "Do, auntie? I'm sure I don't know; I've done too much already. It's a bad business at the best, and I don't see that I can do anything about it without making it worse."