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"Go ahead," Doc shouted. "If there's going to be a collection, let's get it over with," Westy put in. Roy, standing on the table, continued: "SCOUTS AND SCOUTLETS: "Owing to the high cost of silence, which is as scarce as sugar at these meetings, I will only detain you a couple of minutes...." "Don't step on the cake," Doc yelled.

It was plain from this that the scouts had determined to abandon their dangerous island, and spend the balance of the outing by making a camp on the mainland, where at least there was a reasonable expectation of not being blown sky-high by some explosion. "And since we're done eating perhaps we'd better take another look at the tent pins, to make sure they'll hold when the wind strikes us.

"Bid scouts go out and creep into yonder gully," answered Noma, "and you will see whether or no I have spoken falsely. For the rest, I am in your hands, and if I lie you can take my life in payment." "If I march upon the Great Place, it must be at midnight when none see me go," said Hafela, "and what will you do then, Noma, who are too weary to travel again so soon?"

"Oh, it's only a little surprise fer the scouts," was the reply. "Don't say a word, and I'll tell ye." "But what about your dignity, Joshua?" Mrs. Britt laughingly enquired, when she had heard the story. "May I tell Whyn? She would be so pleased, poor girl." "Sure, Betsey. But how is she this mornin'?" "No better, I'm afraid. She is failing fast.

Petersburg and the mere fact that she was supposed to be traveling by coach was sufficient proof that she was not at her capital. Then there was, of course, the possibility of trouble on the road with the Axphain scouts, but Beverly enjoyed the optimism of youth and civilization.

When taking this oath the scout will stand holding his right hand raised level with his shoulder, palm to the front, thumb resting on the nail of the little finger, and the other three fingers upright pointing upward. This the scouts' salute and secret sign. When the hand is raised shoulder high it is called "the half salute." When raised to the forehead it is called "the full salute."

You see when I first arrived with that canoe I tied it just under the cabin window and then scrambled up through the window. So there it was all the time. Lucky thing, too. Only the funny thing was we never missed it we were punk scouts, that's sure. Then Artie told us how it was. "After the smoke got so thick that I was dizzy and couldn't see, I got scared and groped around for Wig.

"Why did not the Askaris shoot them?" demanded Oberst von Lindenfelt. "There were but three of our scouts and the Englishmen were armed," explained the German. "I would venture to suggest, Herr Oberst, that the men did well to return immediately with their report rather than risk being disabled in an attempt to engage the airmen."

I appointed him Captain of Scouts, and from the moment that he commenced his work I saw that a man had come forward. It was sad to think in what manner such a man was deprived of his life. Our Position at the End of May, 1900

Captain Willoughby and his men were now fairly engaged in the expedition, and every soul of them felt the importance and gravity of the duty he was on. Even Mike was fain to obey the order to be silent, as the sound of a voice, indiscreetly used, might betray the passage of the party to some outlying scouts of the enemy.