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Moulton, a quiet, soft-spoken fellow, but a very demon in a fight, picked up his rifle and waved his hand to his wife and little girl and trotted in the opposite direction, calling back over his shoulder: "I'll go east, north and half-down the west side." I finished on the north leg at the point where Moulton had commenced his scout. I made no discoveries while out.

"I think he was detailed for some scout duty off toward the Blue Ridge" "I don't know who sent him, but I make bold to say, Mr. Mason, that he could do a lot more good out there in the fog on the other side of Cedar Creek, a-spyin' and a-spyin', a-lookin' and a-lookin', a-listenin' and a-listenin'." "And perhaps he would neither see nor hear anything"

Permission was then accorded to him to proceed in the carriage. Vittoria held her hand to Wilfrid. He took the fingers and bowed over them. He was perfectly self-possessed, and cool even under her eyes. Like a pedlar he carried a pack on his back, which was his life; for his business was a combination of scout and spy.

As there were few civilians in camp, and as I wore a gray suit, and appeared to be in request at head-quarters, a rumor was developed and gained currency that I was attached to the Division in the capacity of a scout.

Assemblies of veterans of the Confederacy and those who address them scout the idea that they fought to preserve negro bondage. A late historian of our Civil War, Professor Paxon, of Wisconsin, holds it to be "reasonably certain" that in another generation slavery would have disappeared of itself, a contention surely open to dispute.

"The Hurons hold the pride of the Delawares; the last of the high blood of the Mohicans is in their power," returned the scout; "I go to see what can be done in his favor. Had they mastered your scalp, major, a knave should have fallen for every hair it held, as I promised; but if the young Sagamore is to be led to the stake, the Indians shall see also how a man without a cross can die."

He told me that the day following he wished me to accompany him to that country, saying: "You can take as many of your scouts along as you like, and I will make a detail of twenty men to do camp duty." We started out the following morning for Black canyon, taking along my entire scout force. In the afternoon of the second day I piloted Gen.

"My patrol has got it." "Well, if you can't keep a badge do you think you can keep a secret? You were telling me you wouldn't let a girl wear an honor badge of yours " "That was three days ago I told you that. Girls are different from what they were then. Can you balance a scout staff on your nose?" "I never tried that. Listen, Hervey, and promise you won't tell anybody.

The man smiled and John knew that a bearer of bad news would not smile. "I'm the friend and comrade of Philip Lannes," continued John, feeling that all the flying men of France knew the name of Lannes, and that it would be a password to this man's good graces. "I know him well," said the air scout. "Who of our craft does not?

Every one got a good sound night's sleep, so that when morning came they were in prime condition for the work of the day. "We'll stay here to-day and not go on for another twenty-four hours," decided the scout master, as they sat around eating breakfast.