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Zircon steered the Water Witch through the reef entrance, and the Spindrifters tied up at the dock. Rick and Scotty inspected the compressor and then measured the amount of air in the tanks. They hooked the tanks up, refilled the gas tank of the compressor engine, and left the tanks to fill while they went to the cottage.

These, with the Sphinx, were among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Later, Rick promised Scotty, they would explore Giza and its wonders inch by inch. But now they were due at Sahara Wells. Hassan sped around the Khufu pyramid and pointed. There, on the horizon, was a strange contrast to the monuments of the Pharaohs.

He discarded two and laid before him, face up on the table, a pair of eights and an ace of hearts. "I'm going to trim you fellows this time. Aces and eights have never been beaten yet." "Damn you! Here's one eight you won't get," said Scotty; he turned over his hand, exposing the eight of clubs. "Mustn't expose your cards unnecessarily," said Dewing reprovingly. "It spoils the game."

Not until the crab was within reach did the ray sense imminent danger. With a single flashing movement, he snatched the crab and flung himself upward through the shining surface and into the air. Rick Brant, at the helm of the cruising houseboat, saw the ray break water and he let out a yell. "Scotty! Look!"

The girls beamed without saying a word, then they broke into excited chatter. Rick and Scotty retired to the front porch and grinned at each other. "If Dad is right, this is going to be plenty of fun," Scotty said happily. "I've always wanted to get close to the big rockets." "We'll find out," Rick said. "And if John Gordon has a mystery, we're the pair who can solve it for him."

Rick asked the obvious question. "Was it the Earthman?" And Scotty made the obvious answer. "I didn't have a chance to ask him. Anyway, he didn't wear armor." Rick had been keeping his eye on the road ahead. "Pull over," he said quickly. "Let's get out and be looking at cactus or something. I think Mac and Pancho are coming." Scotty complied quickly and shut off the jeep engine.

"The letter was obviously written in haste, because neither the girls nor Walter took time for a description. What about it? Think you'll go?" Scotty spoke emphatically. "I'm going. But I'm not sure Rick can get his nose out of that microscope." "No need," Rick said, grinning. "I'll just take it with me. Besides, I might pick up a new species or two in Virginia." Scotty sighed.

He and Scotty plunged in, too. Working with the frogmen they rapidly assembled a treasure trove of cannon, more cannon balls, cutlasses still in good condition, and useless ship's gear. Fifteen minutes later a frantic hooting brought them in a rush to where Jonesy was holding something. Zircon and Tony got there at the same time, and soon all work had ceased while Jonesy's find was examined.

I turned my prisoner over to the guard of the wagon lines, first informing the Quartermaster, and when he asked me what the trouble was, I had to tell him of the variance of the prisoner's story told him and that he told the Major, and that the Major directed that he be up for orderly room in the morning. Without any further ceremony Scotty was jammed in the clink.

Tomorrow he and Scotty would search both fields in an effort to find what the Blue Ghost sought, or to try to figure out what he and his friends were doing. Scotty caught up with him as he was crossing the field by his plane. The dark-haired boy was triumphant. "They had a car, all right, and the registration was in a container on the steering wheel. I've got all the dope.