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The way had been completely obliterated, and even Kid had paused, confused, and for once uncertain of the next move. "Scotty" called the boy to the handle-bars. "Stand on the brake, Ben, and shout to Kid if he should start after me. He may hear you even above the storm. I'll have to go on to see if I cannot locate some sort of a trail." He lowered his voice.

So I'll have to get blue equipment for me. And my snorkel is red, and that just won't do, because..." Scotty held up his hand. "Say no more. I will swap snorkels with you, because mine is blue." "I knew you would when you understood," Barby said smugly. "I don't understand, but I'll trade. Come on. Let's go to Whiteside."

"But why would a thief want the cat?" Scotty asked. Moustafa shook his head. "I do not know. Unless he intends to sell the model to a manufacturer, or to produce cats for sale himself. Or, if he knows how much time, money, and planning we have invested in this cat, he may see it as a means of revenge on the Moustafas because Fuad would not take his case."

A young Scotchman and myself were the next ones called, and we represented the sappers. After having a smoke, we were taken up before the General. Scotty was a comical chap, very ready-witted, and we had arranged that he should do all the talking. The first question asked was, "Where was the sap you were working in?" Scotty looked up very stupidly, and said, "I don't understand you, Sir."

Hartson Brant, Rick's dad and head of the island scientific foundation, came into the kitchen in time to hear the last remark. "Can I listen too?" he asked. "With milk and doughnuts to help, of course." Rick personally poured the milk for his father and added doughnuts to the plate, just to save time. He couldn't admit it to Scotty, of course, but he was plenty curious in spite of his skepticism.

They made a trip to the Water Witch and collected their equipment, then planned what they would do. "We'll all use lungs," Tony said. "We have three regulators and there are plenty of full tanks, enough for two dives each. However, we have only two pairs of glasses for the dark-light camera. I'll yield to Scotty as the more experienced diver, so you and he use the glasses, Rick.

They would examine the boat, then dive down again. At that time, if he and Scotty could time it right, the two groups would pass in the murky layer and the boys would emerge while their enemies were still descending. He looked at his watch. They had only a few minutes of air left.

Scotty was sent to Oregon for trial and was discharged because of lack of a law to punish a man for assault with a dangerous weapon in Alaska. But the dawn of a better day was at hand, Alaska's darkest hours were past, and morning was breaking.

Miller hadn't been along, I don't think we'd have believed we had really experienced such a thing. But they saw it, too, and Dr. Miller says he has never heard of anything like it." Rick waited for more, scarcely breathing for fear of missing a word. "'So you had better come right away," Scotty read on.

Further, I or John Barleycorn, for it was the same thing told Scotty that he might be a deep-sea sailor and know the last rope on the great deep-sea ships, but that when it came to small-boat sailing I could beat him hands down and sail circles around him. The best of it was that my assertion and brag were true.