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The next step was to attempt their removal, on the ground that the office of the bishop was unscriptural. Difficulties rapidly increased; opposing forces were daily growing stronger; the Civil government was against the Church; the regent, Scotland's chief ruler, bent all his energies in the defence of the bishops. From whence shall light and deliverance now come?

"I hope that we're not facing another 'fifteen! 'Scotland's ain Stewarts, and Break the Union! It sounds well, but it's not in the line of progression. What does Captain Ian Rullock think about it?" "I don't know. He hasn't been here, you know, for a long while." "That's true. He and Mr. Alexander are still like brothers?" "Like brothers." Greenlaw mounted his horse.

So Margaret would take the guitar, and sing in her calm, smooth contralto the songs her father used to love: songs of the North, that had indeed the sound of the sea and the wind in them. "It was all for our rightful king That we left fair Scotland's strand. It was all for our rightful king, We ever saw Irish land, My dear, We ever saw Irish land!"

You have so much spunk, that d n me, but I think there's some chance of your carrying the day. But you must not go to the king till you have made some friend; try the duke try MacCallummore; he's Scotland's friend I ken that the great folks dinna muckle like him but they fear him, and that will serve your purpose as weel. D'ye ken naebody wad gie ye a letter to him?"

The above coincidence of recollections between the far past, and the present nearly but passing events, may be regarded as rather remarkable, for the hill of Tom-a-Chastel may now be looked upon as an object recalling to memory of two heroes. One Scotland's noblest son, of full five hundred ages gone! The other, her boast on the plains of India, within our own remembrance.

Andrew rose; one on each side of the little table they stood, a glass in the left hand of each, for they were about to enact one of Scotland's great scenes. Far scattered are her sons, but they have the homing heart, and unforgetting cronies wait to welcome them. Gavin's hand is outstretched and Andrew's goes forth to meet it.

The Scott romances will always be mentioned, with the work of Burns, Carlyle and Stevenson, when Scotland's contribution to English letters is under discussion; his position is fortified as he recedes into the past, which so soon engulfs lesser men.

There are hill-sides and moss-hags in its vicinity, still known to the peasant as the places of worship and of refuge to the Covenanters in days of peril and alarm; and some of Scotland's martyrs were immolated at the doors of their own huts, the foundation of which may still be traced, overgrown with the green turf or the heather-bell.

Strength stamps her heroes. The gentle Burns was as strong as Knox, not in character, but in the assertion of 'A man's a man for a' that; and a great many of Scotland's noblest sons have been brought into public notice through the manifestation of their strong personality." Vast numbers of men and women ruin their lives by failing to assert themselves.

Its grated window, under the level of the street, admitted light to his whirling lathe, but, aided by dirt on the glass, it baffled the gaze of the curious. His evenings were spent in Candlemaker Row, where, seated by the window with his mother, Mrs. Wallace, and the two girls, he smoked his pipe and commented on Scotland's woes while gazing across the tombs at the glow in the western sky.