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Once, some of his companions offended by some high, scornful words of his, let drop in the excitement of the games, resolved to waylay and maltreat him on his return from the heights in the edge of the evening. They accordingly set upon the enthusiast as descending from the mountain tops his thoughts still lingered behind, but who quickly recovering his presence of mind stood on the defensive.

I have wished since then to see you, for I would have you still my pupil and my friend. Apaecides started at the voice of the Egyptian; and halting abruptly, gazed upon him with a countenance full of contending, bitter, and scornful emotions. 'Villain and impostor! said he at length; 'thou hast recovered then from the jaws of the grave! But think not again to weave around me thy guilty meshes.

Instantly the boy flung his arm up over the old man's shoulder and smiled at him. In the look they exchanged there was boundless love and trust ay, and good-fellowship. Old Abel's scornful eyes again held the golden flash. "How those two love each other!" he muttered enviously. "And how they torture each other!" Mr. Leonard went to his study to pray when he got home.

But Miss Chim gave a scornful laugh, and pulled him away to where a hippopotamus sat under the shade of a big tree, mopping his brow with a red handkerchief for the weather was somewhat sultry. Before the hip was a table covered with a blue cloth, and upon the cloth was embroidered the words: "Professor Hipmus, Fortune Teller." "Want your fortune told?" asked Miss Chim.

Unable longer to endure the unflinching gaze of her clear, scornful eyes, he shrank back through the portieres, which instantly fell into place again, and Mona, with a smile of disdain curving her red lips, went back to her seat by the window.

Many of the German barons who had been at the Crusades themselves came forward to testify to the falsity of these charges, and the fact that Richard had himself placed Conrad of Montferat upon the throne, and had no possible interest in his death, was alone more than sufficient to nullify the vague rumors brought against him. Richard himself in a few a scornful words disposed of this accusation.

For reply she sorted the papers and extended a blood-stained packet toward him. "Here, Monsieur, are your consols." But the moment his hand touched them, she made as though to take them back. On the top of the packet was the letter she had written to him, and on which he had written his scornful reply to her. She paled as she saw him unfold it. "So, Madame, my love was a pastime?"

When I wrote to him, of course I knew nothing of his danger, and it is exactly his danger will make him come! She knew of others to whom such reasonings would not have applied, and a scornful shake of the head showed that she would not think of them at such a moment.

There was something wonderfully fascinating to me in that pale, suffering face, for, in spite of suffering, it was beautiful and loving; but dearer than all these things to my mind were the marks of passion it exhibited, the petulant, almost scornful mouth, and the half-eager, half-weary expression of the eyes, for these seemed rather to belong to that imperfect world from which I had been severed, and which was still dear to my unregenerate heart.