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He had not even the alternative advantage of a store of rich gifts with which to buy the chief's favour. This crude alternative to subtle diplomacy he had scorned when making out a small safari for a long journey. To be sure he was not doing badly. A box of matches and instructions in the use thereof went far as an evidence of munificence.

"A guinea to a shilling that we kill him," cried the flute-voice of her brilliant ladyship, as she ran a moment side by side with Forest King, and flashed her rich eyes on his rider; she had scorned the Zu-Zu, but on occasion she would use betting slang and racing slang with the daintiest grace in the world herself, without their polluting her lips.

Vernabelle said it was by way of being ancient history; that from time immemorial these little groups of choice spirits who did things had been scorned and persecuted, but that every true Bohemian would give a light laugh and pursue his carefree way, regardless of the Philistine And so it went, venomous on both sides, but with Vernabelle holding the bridge.

I want him to write some more books for me to read. I'm sorry Kinner has charge of the prosecution. He'd rather convict an innocent man than a guilty one. All right, my boy, I guess we are ready." "Don't try to get up!" admonished the nurse to Chick; "I'll lift you over." But Chick scorned assistance.

In the waiting-room, how they joked and pirouetted and gossiped, and hugged and scorned each other, and what slang they spoke and how pretty they often looked next moment, and how they denounced the one that had just gone out as a cat with whom you could not get in a word edgeways, and oh, how prompt they were to give a slice of their earnings to any "cat" who was hard up!

For a quiet part of the country, we seem to have struck a bad gait." It was nearly eight o'clock when they sat down to their dinner; a dinner contrived with Oriental thrift from materials scorned by the marauders. "Give a Chinaman a handful of rice and a few vegetables and he'll make you a feast, so my husband used to say," remarked Mrs. Conrad. "You simply can't starve them."

Cowper wrote a few years later in the first book of The Task, in his description of the grounds at Weston Underwood: 'Not distant far a length of colonnade Invites us. Monument of ancient taste, Now scorned, but worthy of a better fate.

I will here shortly rehearse all I myself knew of that matter. In his young days my grand uncle had carried his head high indeed, and deemed so greatly of his scutcheon and his knightly forbears that he scorned all civic dignities as but a small matter.

Apart from this naval question, my time was spent between my home life, my worship for the fine arts, and the theatre, and also in boar-hunting, of which I grew passionately fond; and what makes this curious is that before I tried it I scorned the idea to such an extent that my brothers tied me up and took me by force the first time.

If it did, was this not putting a premium upon crime? If it did not, what steps did it intend to take to secure his arrest? Thus far the newspapers. The winter had passed. The first expedition had failed. The reward had failed, for the people, sincerely regretting the tragedy, and anxious that Donald should give himself up, scorned to betray the man who had trusted in their honor.