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"You have seen with your own eyes a scientific proof of my Discovery on its humblest level how the physical properties of objects can be manipulated by the vibratory utterance of their true names can be extended, reduced, glorified.

It is this fact which has indissolubly connected the name of Konrad Röntgen with that great bound in scientific knowledge which seems likely to modify nearly all the other scientific knowledge of mankind. Everywhere, in the first months of 1896, the experimenters went to work to verify and apply the discovery of the German philosopher.

In the light of present knowledge what a cautious and exact statement is that! There being no learned society in all America at the time, Franklin's scientific experiments were almost all recorded in letters written to interested friends; and he was never in any haste to write these letters.

That scientific discovery may put not only dollars into the pockets of individuals, but millions into the exchequers of nations, the history of science amply proves; but the hope of its doing so never was, and it never can be, the motive power of the investigator. I know that some risk is run in speaking thus before practical men. I know what De Tocqueville says of you.

Going to the Italian front with his battalion, he won the Military Cross for bravery in tending wounded under fire. James joined the Royal Engineers, Sound Ranging Section, and after much front-line work was given charge of a Sound Ranging School to teach other officers this latest and most scientific addition to the art of war.

His skill with his sword was considered marvellous by his countrymen at Lanark, for the scientific use of weapons was as yet but little known in Scotland, and he had also in several trials of skill easily worsted the best swordsmen in the English garrison. Sir Robert Gordon at once engaged this man as instructor to Archie.

While absolutely ignorant of the true state of the case as it stands in the scientific world, they thunder from the pulpit in the ears of their people a position where they are safe from reply crudities and monstrosities of science at which the humblest member of the aforesaid Association would smile.

With the impression the passion changes, and the purpose that is passionate must alter with it, unless pure obstinacy remain in its place, and fulfil the annulled dictate. For such purpose, one person of the scientific drama tells us one who had had some dramatic experience in it,

But for this defiance of Nature, there might have been many more years of scientific exploration, pleasurable to himself and beneficial to others; and he might have escaped that invalid life which for a long time he had to bear. In his case, however, the penalties of invalid life had great mitigations mitigations such as fall to the lot of few.

Having heard of the Stormontfields' Ponds for breeding salmon, I had a great desire to see them. They are situated on the Tay, a few miles above Perth, and are well worthy of the inspection and admiration of the scientific as well as the utilitarian world. The process is as simple as it is successful and valuable.