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I believe in not teasing them for amusement, and then punishing them for being "troublesome." I believe in not allowing Bridget and Betty to box their ears because the pot boils over, or because their beaux didn't come the evening before. I believe in sending them to school where there are backs to the benches, and where the schoolma'am has had at least "one offer."

Well, everybody out that way got to talking and gossiping you know how it goes until the schoolma'am, just to settle the talk, goes and gives a dance to raise money to pay for the piano. She's all right I don't think for a minute she's anything but right and it might have been old Tom himself that bought the piano.

"No, she ain't a schoolma'am. She's a darn sight worse. She's a doctor." "Aw, come off!" Cal Emmett was plainly incredulous." "That's right. Old Man said she's just finished taking a course uh medicine what'd yuh call that?" "Consumption, maybe or snakes." Weary smiled blandly across the table. "She got a diploma, though. Now where do you get off at?"

By degrees their shrill voices sounded further away, and the place grew still. But the schoolma'am kept her face covered. Spurred heels clanked on the threshold, stopped there, and the door shut with a slam. But she did not look up; she did not dare. Steps came down the room toward her long, hurrying steps, determined steps.

When Blanch obtained a chance she said to her brother with a wise look, "Now I know why you couldn't coax your pretty schoolma'am to come to Boston. She's too keen to walk into any trap, and I like her all the better for it. But leave the matter to me. I'll give you a chance, and when you see it, seize it quick, talk fast, and don't be afraid.

"I don't know," Hazel answered dubiously. "I never have ridden a horse." "My, my!" he smiled. "Your education has been sadly neglected and you a schoolma'am, too!" "My walking education hasn't been neglected," Hazel retorted. "I don't need to ride, thank you." "Yes, and stub your toe and fall down every ten feet," Bill observed.

The schoolma'am recovered her spirits with a promptness that was suspicious; patted his arm and called him an awfully good fellow, which reduced Happy Jack to a state just this side imbecility. Also, she drew a little memorandum book from somewhere, and wrote Happy Jack's name in clear, convincing characters that made him shiver.

Fitzgerald was always very polite to me," replied Mrs. Bright; "and personally I had no occasion to find fault with Mr. Fitzgerald, though I think the Yankee schoolma'am was rather a bore to him. The South is a beautiful part of the country. I used to think the sea-island, where they spent most of the summer, was as beautiful as Paradise before the fall; but I never felt at home there.

The schoolma'am was twirling the Montana sapphire ring which Weary had given her last spring, and her voice was trembly and made Happy Jack feel vaguely that he was a low-down cur and ought to be killed. He swallowed twice. "Aw, yuh don't want to go and feel bad about it; I never meant I'll do anything yuh ask me to." "Thank you. I knew I could count upon you, Jack."

And if I did, I know about where to locate the source of all the information you've loaded up on. Things were going smooth as silk till Myrt Forsyth drifted out here the red-headed little devil!" "Mr. Davidson!" cried the schoolma'am, truly shocked. "Oh, I'm revealing some more low, brutal instincts, I expect I'm liable to reveal a lot more if I hang around much longer."