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Therefore their belief respecting it was that the Government officials had appropriated to themselves some of these dry goods and given away freely to their white friends and relatives. After conclusion of the council, they came before the Indian agent, Hon. H. Schoolcraft, and presented their views and their request in this matter.

On the twenty-eighth of October the Fiscal was in possession of all the information that we could collect, and our duties for the time being came to an end." This concluded the evidence of Schoolcraft and Lorrie. It was not shaken on cross-examination, and it was plainly unfavorable to the prisoner. Matters grew worse still when the next witnesses were called.

Schoolcraft gives this account of a discovery made in West Virginia: “Antique tube: telescopic device. In the course of excavations made in 1842 in the easternmost of the three mounds of the Elizabethtown group, several tubes of stone were disclosed, the precise object of which has been the subject of various opinions. The longest measured twelve inches, the shortest eight.

Schoolcraft and honesty never went yet together, Torfrida " "Not in me?" "You are not a clerk, you are a woman, and more, you are an elf, a goddess; there is none like you. But hearken to me. This man is false. All the world knows it." "He promises, they say, to govern England justly as King Edward's heir, according to the old laws and liberties of the realm." "Of course.

Morgan, Ancient Society, p. 62. Also Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines. Regarding the part taken by the women in the government, we have very remarkable testimony. Schoolcraft, in his elaborate study of the customs of the Indian tribes, states that the women had “a conservative power in the political deliberations.

Henry R. Schoolcraft has devoted much time to researches among the Indian tribes of North America, and embodied the result of his labors in many volumes, containing their traditions, and the most interesting facts of their history. Another work of a more historical character is "The History of the Indian Tribes of North America," the joint production of Hall and McKinney.

But whenever men and women enter schoolcraft because of the material rewards that it offers, the virtue will have gone out of our calling, just as the virtue went out of the Church when, during the Middle Ages, the Church attracted men, not because of the opportunities that it offered for social service, but because of the opportunities that it offered for the acquisition of wealth and temporal power, just as the virtue has gone out of certain other once-noble professions that have commercialized their standards and tarnished their ideals.

On their way back to Lake Cass, the party followed the western branch, identifying its chief tributaries. Schoolcraft then studied the ways of the Indians frequenting these districts, and made treaties with them. To sum up, the aim of the government was achieved, and the Mississippi had been explored from its mouth to its source.

The Schoolcraft traditions and Hiawatha have little to say of Titans whose heads top the clouds, who tear up forests and rend rocks, and change the whole face of Nature in their hideous battles or horrible revels.

The sober Moravian missionary Crantz once only in his life rose to poetry, when more than a century ago he spoke of its scenery. Here then was the latitude of storm and fire required by Schoolcraft to produce something wilder and grander than he had ever found among Indians.