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Miss Schley's fair head was bending forward to some invisible person. "And the mimicry?" she asked, turning again to Robin. "Can only be applied to mannerisms, to the ninety-ninth part, the inconsiderable fraction of your charm. Miss Schley could never imitate the hidden woman, the woman who sings, the woman who laughs at, denies herself when she is not singing."

Before the end of the second hour the "New York" and the "New Orleans" had succeeded in completely silencing Cayo Battery, dismantling the guns and wrecking the outer fortifications. At the other end of the line Admiral Schley's division was doing splendid work. We could see the "Massachusetts," "Brooklyn," and "Texas" move in toward shore and open fire at close range.

To-night it had surely discarded every shred of reticence, and proclaimed an eager expectation of something which Lady Holme could not divine, but which must surely be very disagreeable to her. What could it possibly be? And was it in any way connected with Miss Schley's anxiety that she should be there that night?

On May 30 Commodore Schley's squadron bombarded the forts guarding the mouth of Santiago Harbor. Neither attack had any material result. It was evident that well-ordered land operations were indispensable to achieve a decisive advantage. The next act in the war thrilled not alone the hearts of our countrymen but the world by its exceptional heroism.

If Sampson's division had been before Havana and Schley's at Hampton Roads when Cervera appeared, the latter could have entered San Juan undisturbed. What could we then have done? In virtue of our central position, three courses were open. 1.

Then she remarked: "I'm sure no woman said 'less unique." "Why not?" "Now did anyone? Confess!" "What d'you suppose they did say?" "More commonplace." He could not help laughing. "As if you were ever commonplace!" he exclaimed, rather relieved by her manner. "That's not the question. But then Miss Schley's said to be like me not only in appearance but in other ways? Are we really so Siamese?"

Miss Schley's performance was calculated, coming at this moment, to make her world doubtful just when it had been turned from doubt. A good caricature fixes the attention upon the oddities, or the absurdities, latent in the original. But this caricature did more.

She read the little story very plainly the little common story of Leo's desire to take a revenge for his thrashing fitting in with some similar desire of Miss Schley's; on her part probably a wish to punish Fritz for having ventured to say something about her impudent mimicry of his wife. Easy to read it was, common-minded, common-hearted humanity in full sail to petty triumph, petty revenge.

She's the sort that's always kicking over the traces and keeping it dark. I know 'em." "I think you're rather unkind. Miss Schley's mother arrives to-morrow." Leo Ulford put up his hands to his baby moustache and shook with laughter. "That's the only thing she wanted to set her up in business," he ejaculated. "A marmar. I do love those Americans!" "But you speak as if Mrs.

On May 30 Commodore Schley's squadron bombarded the forts guarding the mouth of Santiago Harbor. Neither attack had any material result. It was evident that well-ordered land operations were indispensable to achieve a decisive advantage. The next act in the war thrilled not alone the hearts of our countrymen but the world by its exceptional heroism.