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I ask you, William, could I suppose that the Emperor of Austria was a damned traitor a traitor, and nothing more? I don't mince words a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer, who meant to have his son-in-law back all along.

"Madame," said the Colonel, speaking in English, which he usually did with the Venosta who valued herself on knowing that language and was flattered to be addressed in it while he amused himself by introducing into its forms the dainty Americanisms with which he puzzled the Britisher he might well puzzle the Florentine, "Madame, I am too anxious for the appearance of my wife to submit to the test of a rival schemer like yourself in the same apparel.

But what are you going to do with the knowledge? Are you going to be wise and let fate take its course, or are you going to meddle in affairs which you know nothing about? Don't do it, Mr. Courage!" she exclaimed, with a sudden catch in her voice. "Leslie Guest was a diplomatist and a schemer all his life, and you know the penalty he paid.

For in one corner of my room I boast of a prize dusty "cobweb," as yet spared from the household broom, a gossamer arena of two years' standing, which makes a dense span of a length of about two feet from a clump of dried hydrangea blossoms to the sill of a transom-window, and which, of course, somewhere in its dusty spread, tapers off into a dark tunnel, where lurks the eight-eyed schemer, "o'erlooking all his waving snares around."

The astonished schemer was in a maze as he dashed away to the Calcutta Club to meet General Abercromby. "She is a very devil and a mistress of the Black Art!" he mused. "I will stand by her," he admiringly cried, "as long as it pays me." It was the honest tribute of a grateful scoundrel's heart!

'Listen to me, shrewd hypocrite, said my lady, whose anger increased as she gave it utterance; 'attend to my words, you cunning schemer, who have carried this plot through with such a practised double face that I have never suspected you. I had my projects for my daughter; projects for family connection; projects for fortune.

I was expecting a long-distance call, Lady Wetherby, and left word I would be here. Will you excuse me? Lady Wetherby watched him as he bustled across the room. 'What do you think of him, Claire? 'Mr Pickering? I think he's very nice. 'He admires you frantically. I hoped he would. That's why I wanted you to come over on the same ship with him. 'Polly! I had no notion you were such a schemer.

And, Gavegan, I don't see why the Board of Health lets you stay around the streets when putrefying matter causes so much disease." "None of your lip, young feller!" growled Gavegan. He stepped closer, bulking over Larry. "You think you are such a damned smart talker and such a damned clever schemer but I'll bet I'll have you locked up in six months." Anger boiled up within Larry.

There will be some wildcat speculation, some unwise investment and some loss to investors. The schemer and the promoter will find victims who will put their money into companies whose future is wholly hopeless. But along with that there may reasonably be expected a steady growth and improvement. But it will come by gradual increase and development, and not by a sudden bound." According to Mr.

Pascherette had proven false to falsity; she had schemed against the schemer; and, in the other tray of the balance she had done these things for love of him, out of a deep and all-powerful ambition to place him, Milo the slave, in the high place of the wanton ingrate who had deserted her people. And the thought hurt him now; he had not yet yielded her the kiss she craved.