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The blind may also distinguish the same thing, by the strong scent of the tap. Bell wake is the junior by one year, originating from the same cause, in 1751, in consequence of ten bells being hung up in St Philip's steeple. 'Till within these few years, we were at this wake struck with a singular exhibition, that of a number of boys running a race through the streets naked.

Together they went out through the open door into the fresh, soft morning air. The warm scent of the garden blew up to them. A large, yellow butterfly fluttered peacefully by. The dew still lay on leaf and flower, glittering in a thousand sparkles. "The night is the time for romance," he said. "Any well managed proposal should be made under the stars."

The building, bare of memorial inscriptions, was crowded with ecclesiastics, monks, nobles and simple; she could see the gorgeous ceremonial incidental to the occasion; the chanting of monks filled her ears; the rich scent of incense lay heavy on the air; lights flickered on the altar.

"Why, John," came the mother's sweet complaint, "I wanted to see Brother Garnet." "Oh, I'm sorry," said the complaisant son. Garnet paused on the coach's platform to get rid of his tremors. "He'll not tell," he said aloud, the uproar of wheels drowning his voice. "He's too good a Rosemonter to tattle. At first I thought he'd got on the same scent as Cornelius.

There were wolves in the neighborhood, and their scent for blood was wonderfully keen; it was a question whether they would reach the spot before he had left it. When he stopped to clean the knife in the snow he cast a swift glance about. He could see nothing farther off than a fallen trunk about a dozen yards away; beyond that the trees had faded into a somber mass.

He led the way down the scented corridor, scented with the thin, gently bright scent of violets. "The tentroom has a history," he continued to Cuckoo, opening a door on the left. "It was once the scene of an an absurd experiment. Eh, doctor?" They entered the room. As they did so the hot, sticky scent of the hidden hyacinths poured out to meet them.

I need not tell you that Marlowe was author of that pretty madrigal, "Come live with me, and be my Love," and of the tragedy of "Edward II.," in which are certain lines unequalled in our English tongue. Honest Walton mentions the said madrigal under the denomination of "certain smooth verses made long since by Kit Marlowe." I am glad you have put me on the scent after old Quarles.

'I reckon it's like going to sleep when you are pretty well tired out, and waking to find a summer day with the scent of hay coming in at the window. I used to thank God for such mornings way back in the Blue-Grass country, and I guess I'll thank Him when I wake up on the other side of Jordan. Next day he was much more cheerful, and read the life of Stonewall Jackson much of the time.

"What are you likely to be thinking of that begins with B.P.? Oh, I know! Boiler Plates!" She looked at him, innocent as a lamb. Bill looked at her, delighted with her little coquetry. A woman without coquetry is insipid as a rose without scent, as Champagne without bubbles, or as corned beef without mustard.

Then, he liked to pass the old-fashioned gardens spilling the mingled scent of heliotrope and crimson sage into the lap of night. There was something fascinating and melancholy about this venerable quarter that had been spared the ravages of fire ... overlooked, as it were, by the relentless flames, either in pity or contempt.