United States or Syria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Those who wish, however, to satisfy this idle curiosity can do so to some extent by scanning the dedications of Chopin's works, as the names therein to be found with a few and mostly obvious exceptions are those of pupils. The array of princesses, countesses, &c., will, it is to be hoped, duly impress the investigator. Let us hear what the illustrious master Marmontel has to say on this subject:

While Maimie was speaking, Ranald had been scanning her face as if trying to make up his mind about her. "I am glad you are sorry," he said, slowly, gazing with so searching a look into her eyes that she let them fall. At this moment Mrs. Murray entered ready for her ride. "Is the pony come?" she asked.

"A man may be a man even in a palace" in modern New York as in ancient Rome, but not in a slum tenement. So it seemed to me, and in anger I looked around for something to strike off his fetters with. But there was nothing. I wrote, but it seemed to make no impression. One morning, scanning my newspaper at the breakfast table, I put it down with an outcry that startled my wife, sitting opposite.

Then as my father was eagerly scanning the edge of the river, gun in hand, on the look-out for the first approach of the Indians, I heard plod plod plod plod, and directly after Morgan came into sight laden with the guns and ammunition, followed by Hannibal with a box on his shoulder; and lastly there was Sarah, red-faced and panting, as she bore a large white bundle that looked like a feather-bed tied up in a sheet.

"Confound them smart operators at Louisville and Jefferson ville," he grumbled, scanning the scrawl. "They never make letters plain, and don't put in half of 'em, just to worrit country operators. I'd like to take a club to 'em. There's no sort o' sense in sich sending. A Philadelphia lawyer couldn't make nothing out of it. But I've got to or get a cussing, and mebbe the bounce.

A Gentleman with a frank, strong-featured face sat therein, and amused himself by scanning with thoughtful gaze the countenances of his fellow-travellers.

As the warm weather set in he accordingly took full advantage of the free baths at the Battery. On his second day's dip, as he was leaving, a man whom he had noticed intently scanning the bathers tapped him on the arm. He was shaped like an olive, with a pair of shrewd gray eyes, and a clever, clean-shaven mouth.

Gibson's chauffeur awaited them with the big touring car, in which there was ample room for all of them. "Keep a sharp lookout for that man," whispered Grace to Miriam. "I want to see if Oakdale is his destination." The two girls lagged behind the others, eagerly scanning the platform. "I think he must have gone on," said Miriam. "I don't see him. Don't worry any more about him, Grace."

His extended hands were full of gold pieces, but they were soon emptied by the eager girls who pounced upon them. Then they left him with many curtsies and salutations and drifted away delightedly into the mazes of the rose garden. Villon turned to look at the men prisoners, who were anxiously scanning his actions.

"Didn't nobody see nothin' o' little Skidmore?" savagely repeated Shorty, walking back to the works and scanning the country round. "Was you all so blamed anxious lookin' out for yourselves that you didn't pay no attention to that little boy? Nice gang, you are." "Orderly, take the company back into the abatis, and look for the boys," ordered Capt. McGillicuddy.