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I don't know much about logging, and I shall want you to take charge of all that, but I shall want to know just why you do each thing, and if my judgment advises otherwise, my judgment goes. If I want to discharge a man, he WALKS without any question. I know about what I shall expect of each man; and I intend to get it out of him. And in questions of policy mine is the say-so every trip.

He looked easily from one to another, without the least concern, and swung lightly from his horse. "Much obliged. Glad to accept your hospitality. But about this young man here he's not exactly a friend of mine a mere pick-up acquaintance, in fact. You mustn't accept him on my say-so. Of course, you know I'm all right, but I can't guarantee him," Buck drawled, with magnificent effrontery.

Frightened though she was, her gaze held steadily to his. It was the same instinct in her that makes one look a dangerous wild beast straight in the eye. "What's got into you?" he demanded sullenly. "I'm going home." "After a while." "Now." "I reckon not just yet. It's my say-so." "Don't you dare stop me." The passion in him warred with prudence. He temporized. "Why, honey!

Maybe Marie would wish then that she had thought twice about quitting him just on her mother's say-so. He'd like to go buzzing into San Jose behind the wheel of a car like the one Foster had fooled him into stealing. And meet Marie, and her mother too, and let them get an eyeful.

"Do you think I'm going to run Apache off his legs, risk breaking my neck and then not have the say-so in the end? I reckon not. It's just got to be chocolates this time.

You'd better not come here till till I have it all arranged. You know what they say about absence!" "I know what they say about a good many things. But I want something besides say-so." "I will tell you in my letter what to do. Then you follow instructions." "I don't like to go into a thing blind. What is the plan?"

"Delighted, dear boy.... One of the first principles, next to profiting by the admirable example I set you, is to make the fellows in your own line trust you. Now, if this boy had taken on with me, I could have got a bunch of the sparklers on my mere say-so, from old Morganthau up on Finsbury Pavement.

Why has it taken them so long to ask for their half in the say-so of things?" "Any great movement, Zoe, must have very slow beginnings. Think for what ages man lived without Christianity!" "Yes; but look how long it has been here." "Reckoning in geology, Zoe, and compared with the age of mountains and oceans, two thousand years isn't long." "I think it is." "You darling!"

But if Colonel Baxter leaned toward the old fashions in his furnishing of a home, his methods in training a daughter were modern to an extreme. Auntie Gibbs declared it was without "rhyme or reason." "Letting a girl do as she pleases isn't bringing up at all. That child should have a strong hand to guide her. Every child should. And me, who could do it, ain't allowed no say-so."

I'm full of an idea for that community opera scheme and I'm ready to do the play from the Russian on your say-so. Lilly you cannot go now " "I can must," she said, scraping back her chair. "You must work out your dreams alone with some one else. I must go." And then withdrawing from what she saw: "No! No! Bruce! No! No!"