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The confederates knew that the count de Saxe had a design upon Maestricht: the Austrian general Bathiani made repeated remonstrances to the British ministry, entreating them to take speedy measures for the preservation of that fortress.

When I parted from her, she wore a smile of happy expectancy a look of jocund hope was in her dewy eyes. I never saw that expression again on the face of Francezka Capello. I joined Count Saxe at Brussels.

Gaston assured us that as soon as his house was in order, he would have me to stay with him, thereby abandoning Count Saxe for the time; and Francezka diverted herself with asking me, if she and Count Saxe were in a burning building and I could only save one of them, which would it be and other pleasantries.

I watched Monsieur Voltaire, as with his wonderful and unforgettable eyes he gazed upon Count Saxe and probably reflected on the difference of the reward given a successful general and a great wit for I am not denying that Monsieur Voltaire possessed a very considerable share of wit.

Midway the stairs we met Cardinal Fleury, with his private chaplain, descending. The cardinal was a mild-mannered old man, and seeing Count Saxe, he stopped and spoke to him. "You are back from Courland, then, Monsieur," said the cardinal, politely. "No doubt you are pleased to be once more among polite persons. I hear the Courlanders are very wild and wicked people, with no fear of God."

The hangman's letter was a trap to catch us all, and the Great King consented to it. What a worthy King! Oh! I am very human and my bitterness must speak out when I remember last night. Saxe, Tristan, the King, Monsieur d'Argenton, and against them one weak coward of a girl. They would have lied my life away last night; and not mine only, the Dauphin's."

The Saxons then have to march forward; but we can fancy with what a will. As for Polastron, he produces Order from Broglio, "Iglau got, return straightway;" must and will cross over into Bohemia again; and does. Nay, the Comte de Saxe had, privately in his pocket, a Commission to supersede Polastron, and take command himself, should Polastron make difficulties about turning back.

No success attended the French arms in any quarter of the world, with the exception of the victories of Marshal Saxe at Fontenoy ; and the French lost the reputation they had previously acquired under Henry IV., Conde, Turenne, and Luxembourg.

During this march, the territories of Saxe Ernest and Schwartzburg were laid waste, and Frankenhausen plundered before the very eyes of Tilly, and laid in ashes with impunity. The unfortunate peasant paid dear for his master's attachment to the interests of Sweden.

I knew not at the time if Count Saxe intended it, but he seemed to lay the greatest stress upon Gaston's feat being performed with the right arm as if any man could have done it with his left one.