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I fancied every human being capable of this kind of virtue on a good opportunity, saving, indeed, such base-hearted wretches as can never forgive their very forgivers; and of these I did not suppose him to be one. Let us die, if die we must, like honest and gallant men, so that it shall be said of us it was only our bodies that died.

It may even be said that thrift is only a lesser form of piety, and piety the whole of thrift. For, first and last, goodness lies in the saving and increase of life. The justification of any act lies in its being provident; in its yield of immediate fulfilment and its generous allowance for the other interest, the remote interest, and the interest that is as yet only surmised.

Saving with one man, who was a sergeant of artillery on leave, and who cried out to me in an accent that was very familiar and asked me to drink; but I told him I had to go up into the forest to take advantage of the night, since the days were so warm for walking.

Jarvie would certainly be exposed to, and entreated he would make me the bearer of such modified terms as might be the means of saving their lives. I assured him I should decline no danger if I could be of service; but from what I had heard and seen, I had little doubt they would be instantly murdered should the chief of the outlaws suffer death. The Duke was obviously much affected.

It is true that all men believe something, and, therefore, that all men have faith. It is not true that all men believe God, and, therefore, not true that all men have saving faith. And here we must make a distinction. Faith is often said to be the gift of God, and in the sense of the grace of faith, or the power of believing, this is true.

Meanwhile, do you go to my mother, ask to see her in private, and tell her that the son whom she had lost is now here. Explain to her my plan for saving my father, and say that when she hears of the death of her husband, she must go to the king as if in the greatest grief, and ask for permission to burn herself together with the dead body.

Jock-at-a-Venture was certainly dashed by this information. "The more reason," said he, obstinately, "for saving her!... And all hers!" The two ministers did not want her to be saved. They liked to think of the theatre as being beyond the pale.

He had protected Carmen with a quiet persistency since her first day in the parish, and had had a saving influence over her.

The fact is that I was much too keen upon saving everything I possibly could out of the brig to think of wasting my time in wandering about an island the greater part of which is covered with almost impassable bush." "Ah, yes; I s'pose you would be," rejoined Turnbull, with an expression of relief that set Leslie wondering.

The girl's head went up proudly, and from the languorous eyes there came one splendid flash before the lids fell over them again. "I know he would; and when a man has that sort of courage he's worth saving." "You admit, then, that he needs to be saved?" Again the heavy lids were lifted for one brief, search-light glance. "Yes; I admit that. I believe he has wronged you.